Lux 1953

Old Time Radio Programs, Lux Theater shows from 1953, Many thanks to the encoders and posters on usenet.
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Series and episode name info

In case anyone else is confused by the programs being introduced as "The Hollywood Radio Theater" -- that was a name change made by Armed Forcers Radio Service when rebroadcasting the commercial Lux programs. Thanks for having these here. I've been searching for "Deadline USA" for years, but only stumbled on it here after learning of the Lux version. Unfortunately, individual episodes aren't found with a search of the archive, possibly because the names are run-together. (This comment is also a test to see whether a site search for "Deadline USA" will get to this page now, in which case adding episode titles as comments here might be a solution for other searchers.)
File change

Lux-530810-56m28s-842hrt-AffairsofSusan-ABaxter.mp3 should be lux-530824 Other than that...keep up the good work...