Planet of the Gods
Robert Moore Williams
Read by Phil Chenevert

Far, far in the future Earth has achieved real peace and is sending out interstellar expeditions, not to conquer, but to explore. The third such expedition, has made it to the Vega system and discovered to everyone's amazement, not only a solar system but two worlds circling the Vega sun that seem to have atmosphere and water. And apparently intelligent life is there as well because something tries, and almost succeeds, in blasting the expedition ship out of space before it can even get close to either one. Damaged, with 3 dead men aboard, the expedition ship semi-crashes and seeks to hide from this obviously hostile civilization. The three dead members of the crew are buried and four of the local inhabitants pay a friendly call. Then during the second night on this planet, one of the dead bodies knocks on the door and wants to come in. Something very strange is going on here. (1 hr 45 min)
Chapter 1 | 21:05 | Read by Phil Chenevert |
Chapter 2 | 13:20 | Read by Phil Chenevert |
Chapter 3 | 13:38 | Read by Phil Chenevert |
Chapter 4 | 16:39 | Read by Phil Chenevert |
Chapter 5 | 17:43 | Read by Phil Chenevert |
Chapter 6 | 23:16 | Read by Phil Chenevert |
very good!

As a non-scientist, I'm surprised at the discrepancies based on what we know now, but the story was engaging. Interpersonal conflicts and friendships we see today with a surprise twist at the end. good reader, too.

A LibriVox Listener
I never miss an opportunity to listen to Phil C. narrate one of these! Phil is awesome and he does such a great job. The quirkier the story, the better Phil brings home the bacon.

Julia Field
While I am a devout atheist I really liked the ending. Good story overall.

Paul Ajzenman
Good, short story with a "twilight zone" feel. The reader did a good job.
i wish they still wrote rollicking adventure stories like this

Planet of the Gods

David R. Smith
We'll read, fun listen - thanks!

J. Lewis
this is a good book and a great reader.
good book and good reader

listener of great stories
Good story just wish it was longer. Maybe there’s a sequel or prequel to find.