The Republic of the Future
Anna Bowman Dodd
Read by Jennifer Fournier

or Socialism a Reality
In the year 2050, Wolfgang travels to the socialist city of New York. He writes enthusiastically to his friend Hannevig describing the wonders of the journey (via pneumatic tube under the ocean) and vastness of the city. He then turns his eye and pen to the effects of true equality of the sexes and freedom from work. Unfortunately for the New Yorkers, they do not create the desired utopia but just the opposite. (Jennifer Fournier) (1 hr 15 min)
Chapter 1 | 7:13 | Read by Jennifer Fournier |
Chapter 2 | 9:48 | Read by Jennifer Fournier |
Chapter 3 | 9:42 | Read by Jennifer Fournier |
Chapter 4 | 10:13 | Read by Jennifer Fournier |
Chapter 5 | 11:39 | Read by Jennifer Fournier |
Chapter 6 | 18:36 | Read by Jennifer Fournier |
Chapter 7 | 8:28 | Read by Jennifer Fournier |
Well read nonsence

A confused depiction of a socialistic dystopia used to justify the author's desire for an elitist, capitalist dreamworld, with a few valid points amongst the rubbish. I skipped the last chapter...enough!

Joseph Clements
A stark view of what we see evolving before us in the early 21st century. While other reviews dismiss the depictions of life in this utopian socialist society, I , for one, see countless similarities and outcomes taking place as we speak. The author is a prescient individual who clearly understands the natural forces that are arrayed around us and understands what can happen when full license is given to those forces without the restraint that the few truly gifted people in each area of human endevour can bestow on the world no matter your viewpoint. Should be required reading in late grade school or early high school.