Gibbous Moon

Read by Michael Bannister

(1 stars; 1 reviews)

Michael is a teenager with a thirst for life, dying to learn as his grandfather is learning to die. Grandfather is dying a slow, painful death. Michael's best friend submits to anorexia. Father is an alcoholic. Aunty Joan suffers from Down's Syndrome but this doesn't seem to have impaired her sexual appetite. Michael falls in love with a German exchange student. Is it going to end in tears?

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GibbousMoon 01 Read by Michael Bannister
GibbousMoon 02 Read by Michael Bannister
GibbousMoon 03 Read by Michael Bannister
GibbousMoon 04 Read by Michael Bannister
GibbousMoon 05 Read by Michael Bannister
GibbousMoon 06 Read by Michael Bannister
GibbousMoon 07 Read by Michael Bannister
GibbousMoon 08 Read by Michael Bannister
GibbousMoon 09 Read by Michael Bannister
GibbousMoon 10 Read by Michael Bannister
GibbousMoon 11 Read by Michael Bannister
GibbousMoon 12 Read by Michael Bannister


(0 stars)

Hi Chris, Many thanks for taking time out to listen and provide a review. Not sure of course how much you actually listened to, however, I totally agree with your summation; but life is like that isn't it? Things happen, no plot, but I would argue that death and its ...

(0 stars)

Quite liked this story of a boy growing into a young man. Expect tall the trials and tribulations of a real life, not the thrills and car chases found elsewhere. It is well written and well read. ++ (spoiler) I just wished you had spent a lot more time his ...

(0 stars)

Hi Arlene, I had to rebuild me PC as it was hacked into!! Hope all is well and The Fox is selling well. Regards, Mick (and thanks so much for your kind words about Gibbous Moon!) I am on Facebook if you want to look me up! Couldn't find you.

(0 stars)

I am almost done with your story and am charmed. Some of of my favorite books are diaries! As you said, this is a slice of life with its humor and tears, well written and well read. I am here now, as I was wondering if it is autobiographical?

(0 stars)

I liked this slice of life story. Some of the vignettes seemed not to tie together at first but by the end I felt that everything connected nicely and the characters were all where they should be. I hope you write more, Mick!

(0 stars)

Although I am enjoying this book, the reader's dry mouth problem is extremely annoying and very distracting to what would otherwise would be a thoroughly listening experience. He is a good reader, but for God's sake! Drink some damn water!!!!!

(0 stars)

Hi Kelly, For some of the episodes I had a stinking cold!! It was more than water I needed.Thanks for reading Gibbous Moon and I hope my dry mouth didn't detract too much from the story Kind regards, Mick.

(0 stars)

Mostly coherent writing and solid narration, but the story was rather lacking in plot. Things happened, sure, but there didn't seem to be anything very compelling or significant.