The Sphere Of Travel (TSOT2)
Steve Simons
Read by Steve Simons

This story is rated 12 as there is a romantic theme and also death, but nothing explicit, it's still a clean story.
We find the team of David and John set to adventure out again. This time in an improved sphere and both of them are going to travel together. A new member is introduced to the team, Debbie Gill. Debbie takes over David's role, predicting the location of the black holes. The trip does not go according to plan, but oh no,
don't look to me to spill the beans as to what happens, you just have to listen to the story to find out. Oh here's a teaser then, this is not just the one story, this time you get double the value, as it is two stories wrapped up in one book.
This one runs into 32 chapters and our test audience just couldn't wait for the next installments to hit their players. In fact they are so keen they already want the next book! Oh yes there will be a final book in the Trilogy.
This book comes from Visit Scribl to support the author or learn how to self-publish your own audiobook.

By: largosmiles
I’m enjoying the story, but thought that I’d pass on that I’m still just tolerating the music. This time the music is not as jarring (better than the last book), but still seems extra long in the intro. I expect the story to start at about the time the vocals ...

By: byronw
I have to agree with Largosmiles about the loud music and not wanting to have it in podcasts. Whenever it happens, I download the book chapters or episodes and instead of adding them to iTunes, just save the MP3 files on the disk. Then I load them up in Amadeus ...

By: swerve
BE WARNED: This book ends without any real resolutions. The resolutions are offered in TSOT3 - which you are forced to pay £4 to £7 for - outside of podiobooks!! I feel this is misleading to readers and disrespectful to podiobooks. At the least, I thought potential readers should know ...

By: swerve
The following is feedback I sent direct to the author. I felt so strongly about it that I have posted it here too: I grabbed TSOT1 from podiobooks and was intrigued enough to get TSOT2. However, now that has finished, it seems that the only way to get TSOT3 is ...

By: adam
i am a huge fan of the first. infact it is my all time favorite audio book. i am up to chapeter 15 and i am hooked. im happy to know that there will be another in the series.

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By: morley williamson
Steve, Love your writing and narration, but really cant get past the intrusive music. Can't listen. Good work though.
fantastic series! I want the third series! not fair!

Joy Johnston