The History of Minnesota and Tales of the Frontier, Part 2

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(4 stars; 5 reviews)

A series of stories written by Judge Charles E. Flandrau "at different times during his long residence in the Northwest, which embrace historical events, personal adventures, and amusing incidents." This book of tales is the companion to the author's book on the history of the founding of the state of Minnesota, and together they make up the volume The History of Minnesota and Tales of the Frontier. In this part, Judge Flandrau describes the adventures and perils faced by early Minnesotans, and also gives his often-humorous observations about living in parts further west during the settlement of the frontier in the middle part of the 19th century. (Summary by Judge Charles E. Flandrau and Jill Engle) (4 hr 29 min)


Hunting Wolves in Bed 9:39 Read by Deon Gines
The Poisoned Whiskey 10:12 Read by Ross Klatte
Fun in a Blizzard 12:44 Read by Ross Klatte
Law and Latin 7:23 Read by Siyami Aktan
Indian Strategy 10:39 Read by Siyami Aktan
The First State Election Returns from Pembina 12:49 Read by Jill Engle
A Frontier Story which contains a Robbery, Two Desertions, a Capture and a Suic… 13:00 Read by Crystal Gattis
The Pony Express 13:07 Read by Andrea Kotzer
Kissing Day 7:05 Read by Kalynda
A Political Ruse 8:40 Read by Deon Gines
The Hardships of Early Law Practice 10:11 Read by Deon Gines
Temperance at Traverse 8:22 Read by BettyB
Win-ne-muc-ca's Gold Mine 12:03 Read by Jill Engle
A Unique Political Career 10:10 Read by BettyB
La Crosse 9:21 Read by BettyB
Making a Postoffice 7:37 Read by BettyB
The Courage of Conviction 7:34 Read by BettyB
How the Capital was Saved 12:32 Read by Jill Engle
An Editor Incog 9:32 Read by Jill Engle
The Ink-pa-du-ta War 13:54 Read by Jill Engle
Muscular Legislation 10:19 Read by Deon Gines
The Virgin Feast 6:31 Read by Larry Wilson
The Aboriginal War Correspondent 9:41 Read by Deon Gines
Bred in the Bone 9:41 Read by Larry Wilson
An Accomplished Rascal 7:29 Read by BettyB
An Advocate's Opinion of His Own Elequence is Not Always Reliable 4:34 Read by BettyB
A Momentous Meeting 7:57 Read by BettyB
A Primitive Justice 6:56 Read by BettyB