Shorty McCabe
Sewell Ford
Read by Scotty Smith

Yes, it's been a couple of years since I quit the ring. . . . I slid into a quiet corner for a month or so, and then I dropped into the only thing I knew how to do, trainin' comers to go against the champs. It ain't like pullin' down your sixty per cent of the gate receipts, but there's worse payin' jobs.
Course, there's times when I finds myself up against it. It was durin' one of them squeezes, not so long ago, that I gets mixed up with Leonidas Dodge, and all that foolishness. Ah, it wa'n't anything worth wastin' breath over. You would? Honest? Well, it won't take long, I guess. - Summary by Sewell Ford (6 hr 51 min)
CHAPTER I | 33:27 | Read by Scotty Smith |
CHAPTER II | 39:04 | Read by Scotty Smith |
CHAPTER III | 33:51 | Read by Scotty Smith |
CHAPTER IV | 35:31 | Read by Scotty Smith |
CHAPTER V | 31:54 | Read by Scotty Smith |
CHAPTER VI | 28:36 | Read by Scotty Smith |
CHAPTER VII | 25:23 | Read by Scotty Smith |
CHAPTER VIII | 23:34 | Read by Scotty Smith |
CHAPTER IX | 23:00 | Read by Scotty Smith |
CHAPTER X | 23:16 | Read by Scotty Smith |
CHAPTER XI | 21:56 | Read by Scotty Smith |
CHAPTER XII | 20:30 | Read by Scotty Smith |
CHAPTER XIII | 22:15 | Read by Scotty Smith |
CHAPTER XIV | 24:34 | Read by Scotty Smith |
CHAPTER XV | 24:14 | Read by Scotty Smith |

The main character and narrator, Shorty McCabe, is a former boxing champion who seems to get into crazy situations through no fault of his own. Somehow he always manages to come out on the right end of them, through his quick thinking and dumb luck. He tells the stories with plenty of color and flavor. The many cultural references that pass over our heads (I assume famous celebrities at the time) don't distract. The nicknames for taxis, motorcars, and so forth are picturesque. The reader is wonderful. I don't know if he assumed the accent or if it's his own, but the Brooklyn/New York accent adds greatly to the enjoyment, as it feels like the character is really speaking. Great stuff - thanks, Scotty!