Rational Theology, as Taught by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Read by Wayne Cooke

(4.8 stars; 7 reviews)

A rational theology, as understood in this volume, is a theology which (1) is based on fundamental principles that harmonize with the knowledge and reason of man, (2) derives all of its laws, ordinances and authority from the accepted fundamental principles, and (3) finds expression and use in the everyday life of man. In short, a rational theology is derived from the invariable laws of the universe, and exists for the good of man. (From preface) - Summary by John A. Widtsoe (4 hr 48 min)


The Meaning of Theology 6:11 Read by Wayne Cooke
How Knowledge is Gained 9:04 Read by Wayne Cooke
Eternalism 12:54 Read by Wayne Cooke
The Will of Man 4:31 Read by Wayne Cooke
The Great Law 7:50 Read by Wayne Cooke
God and Man 9:43 Read by Wayne Cooke
Man is That He May Have Joy 7:50 Read by Wayne Cooke
Man's Free Agency 11:03 Read by Wayne Cooke
The Great Plan 9:42 Read by Wayne Cooke
The Coming of Man 8:45 Read by Wayne Cooke
The Course of the Gospel on Earth 14:18 Read by Wayne Cooke
The Gods of This Earth 8:24 Read by Wayne Cooke
Man's Communion with God 9:18 Read by Wayne Cooke
Man Walks with God 8:42 Read by Wayne Cooke
the Kingdom of the Evil One 6:26 Read by Wayne Cooke
Why a Church 7:51 Read by Wayne Cooke
Conditions of Membership 9:27 Read by Wayne Cooke
The Priesthood in the Church 9:05 Read by Wayne Cooke
The Organization of the Church 11:01 Read by Wayne Cooke
The Authority of the Priesthood 11:50 Read by Wayne Cooke
Obedience 6:31 Read by Wayne Cooke
A Missionary Church 5:37 Read by Wayne Cooke
Temple Ordinances 7:20 Read by Wayne Cooke
The Brotherhood of Man 5:08 Read by Wayne Cooke
The Equality of Man 9:33 Read by Wayne Cooke
Mutual Support 4:17 Read by Wayne Cooke
The United Order 6:39 Read by Wayne Cooke
Work for the Dead 8:28 Read by Wayne Cooke
Marriage 7:23 Read by Wayne Cooke
The Community 4:40 Read by Wayne Cooke
Man and Nature 7:30 Read by Wayne Cooke
The Sound Body 5:11 Read by Wayne Cooke
Education for the Inner Life 4:49 Read by Wayne Cooke
Satisfaction with Daily Work 6:25 Read by Wayne Cooke
The Hope of Tomorrow 6:02 Read by Wayne Cooke
The Law of the Earth 8:56 Read by Wayne Cooke


Good for Ponderous Mood

(4.5 stars)

Contains a lot of the eternal, unchangeable laws of the nature and universe, which are further developed into one of the most wellhrounded and holistic theories of how aman should conduct his life under these unchangeable laws. An example of a good ä, wellrounded theory of how to live.