Homilies on Philippians

Read by ancientchristian

(4.7 stars; 5 reviews)

The Epistle to the Philippians, is a letter written by St. Paul the Apostle and Timothy to the clergy of Philippi. It is included in the New Testament of the Bible. Philippi is a city in Macedonia, a city that is a colony, as Luke says. It there that a seller of purple was converted, a woman of uncommon piety and heedfulness. There also the ruler of the synagogue believed, and Paul was scourged with Silas. This commentary is composed of a serious of homilies delivered by St. John Chrysostom, the golden-mouthed preacher of Constantinople. - Summary by ancientchristian (7 hr 1 min)


Introductory Discourse 13:39 Read by ancientchristian
Homily I, Phil 1:1-7 25:38 Read by ancientchristian
Homily II, Phil 1:8-19 29:15 Read by ancientchristian
Homily III, Phil 1:18-24 23:52 Read by ancientchristian
Homily IV, Phil 1:22-30 27:41 Read by ancientchristian
Homily V, Phil 2:1-4 18:53 Read by ancientchristian
Homily VI, Phil 2:5-8 36:19 Read by ancientchristian
Homily VII, Phil 2:5-11 37:10 Read by ancientchristian
Homily VIII, Phil 2:12-16 26:17 Read by ancientchristian
Homily IX, Phil 2:19-21 36:06 Read by ancientchristian
Homily X, Phil 3:1-3 28:02 Read by ancientchristian
Homily XI, Phil 3:7-12 24:20 Read by ancientchristian
Homily XII, Phil 3:13-17 21:13 Read by ancientchristian
Homily XIII, Phil 3:18-21,4:1-3 21:08 Read by ancientchristian
Homily XIV, Phil 4:4-9 17:19 Read by ancientchristian
Homily XV, Phil 4:10-23 34:27 Read by ancientchristian