Stonehenge, a Temple Restor'd to the British Druids
William Stukeley
Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England never fails to amaze and fascinate; and has been the subject of speculation, research and investigation for centuries. This is an early look at this enigmatic location. As the author says in the preface: "A few years ago I spent some time every summer in viewing, measuring, and considering the works of the ancient Druids in our Island; I mean those remarkable circles of Stones which we find all over the kingdom, many of which I have seen, but of many more I have had accounts. Their greatness and number astonish’d me, nor need I be afraid to say, their beauty and design, as well as antiquity, drew my particular attention. I could not help carrying my inquiries about them as far as I was able. My studies this way have produc’d a vast quantity of drawings and writing, which consider’d as an intire work, may thus be intitled,
Patriarchal Christianity:
A Chronological HISTORY
Origin and Progress of true Religion, and of Idolatry."
- Summary by Lynne Thompson/William Stukeley (5 hr 4 min)
I | 41:00 | Read by Steve C |
II | 29:19 | Read by Sarah Rothwell |
III | 21:04 | Read by Jim Pierson-Perry |
IV | 14:20 | Read by Sarah Rothwell |
V | 36:48 | Read by Ronald G Baars |
VI | 12:45 | Read by KHand |
VII | 9:00 | Read by KHand |
VIII | 27:34 | Read by KHand |
IX | 10:01 | Read by ToddHW |
X | 13:04 | Read by ToddHW |
XI | 39:21 | Read by KHand |
XII | 49:45 | Read by KHand |