The Story of the Outlaw

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(4.5 stars; 2 reviews)

With historical narratives of famous outlaws; the stories of noted border wars; vigilante movements and armed conflicts on the frontier. (8 hr 52 min)


Preface 8:03 Read by John
The Desperado 18:51 Read by John
Imitation Desperado 10:54 Read by John
The Land of the Desperado 18:01 Read by John
The Early Outlaw 45:54 Read by faceForRadio
The Vigilantes of California 33:09 Read by faceForRadio
The Outlaw of the Mountains 8:32 Read by John
Henry Plummer 33:33 Read by Dan McNellan
Boone Helm 13:09 Read by Gloria Loughry
Death Scenes of Desperadoes 11:13 Read by John
Joseph A. Slade 11:24 Read by KenK
The Desperado of the Plains 16:45 Read by Steven Seitel
Wild Bill Hickok 27:03 Read by robcyoung
Frontier Wars 12:30 Read by John
The Lincoln County War 36:54 Read by Dave Campbell
The Stevens County War 38:54 Read by robcyoung
Biographies of Bad Men 37:29 Read by NRThomas
The Fight of Buckshot Roberts 10:37 Read by John
The Man Hunt 26:29 Read by Steven Seitel
Bad Men of Texas 39:05 Read by dalton4beth
Modern Bad Men 37:34 Read by Dave Campbell
Bad Men of the Indian Nations 23:57 Read by Dave Campbell
Desperadoes of the Cities 12:19 Read by John