Anthology of Magazine Verse for 1914

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

William Stanley Braithwaite, a talented poet in his own right, was most notable for his anthologies of poetry including these annual collections that spanned at least twelve years from 1913 to 1924. These were composed of poems written in that year, and included a wide range of poetry from classical to avant-garde. As an African American, he also included many selections from other African American poets. He is recognized as a significant publisher of Harlem Renaissance poets. This volume includes poets such as Vachel Lindsay., Bliss Carman, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Joyce Kilmer, Madison Cawein, Sara Teasdale, and many others. (Summary by Larry Wilson) (5 hr 53 min)


Introduction 27:00 Read by Larry Wilson
Landscapes by Louis Untermeyer 3:28 Read by Lily Alphonse
Phi Beta Kappa Poem by Bliss Carman 11:55 Read by Larry Wilson
The Deserted Pasture by Bliss Carman 1:44 Read by Lily Alphonse
To a Phoebe-bird by Witter Bynner 1:19 Read by mleigh
From a Motor in May by Corrine Roosevelt Robinson 1:05 Read by Lily Alphonse
To a Garden in April by Walter Conrad Arensberg 0:37 Read by Lily Alphonse
Jewel Weed by Florence Earle Coates 1:27 Read by Lily Alphonse
Irish by Edward J. O'brien 0:39 Read by Lee Vogler
The Regents' Examination by Jessie Wallace Hughan 1:25 Read by Daniel Silverman
Yankee Doodle by Vachel Lindsay 2:46 Read by Lisa Greene
Fight by Percy MacKaye 28:19 Read by LibriVox Volunteers
The Prophet by Lyman Bryson 1:25 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Newport by Alice Duer Miller 1:13 Read by Winnifred Assmann
To a Photographer by Berton Braley 1:31 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Song by Edward J. O'brien 0:37 Read by Laurie Banza
Sonnet XXXVII by Arthur Davison Ficke 1:21 Read by Daniel Silverman
The Hunting of Dian by George Starling 3:22 Read by Alan Mapstone
The Firemen's Ball by Vachel Lindsay 10:06 Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Summons by Louis Untermeyer 3:20 Read by Larry Wilson
Patterns by James Oppenhiem 1:33 Read by De Anna Lee
New York by Edwin Davies Schoonmaker 10:18 Read by Jonathan Jones
We Dead by James Oppenheim 7:37 Read by redrun
God and the Farmer by Frederick Erastus Pierce 3:20 Read by Kerry Adams
Song by Ruth Guthrie Harding 1:02 Read by Laurie Banza
Surety by Witter Bynner 1:12 Read by De Anna Lee
Remembrance: Greek Folk-Song by Margaret Widdemer 2:04 Read by redrun
The Two Flames by Eloise Briton 7:03 Read by Daniel Silverman
The Look by Sara Teasdale 0:51 Read by De Anna Lee
The Flirt by Amelia Josephine Burr 1:04 Read by Lee Vogler
Young Eden by Witter Bynner 3:57 Read by NovaComms
Ablution by John Myers O'Hare 0:57 Read by Hope
Pilgrmage by Laura Campbell 2:16 Read by Jonathan Jones
Ballad of Two Seas by George Sterling 3:17 Read by Alan Mapstone
Eros Turannos by Edwin Arlington Robinson 2:48 Read by De Anna Lee
The Shroud by Edna St. Vincent Millay 0:52 Read by Hope
The Mother by Lydia Gibson 1:35 Read by De Anna Lee
A Handful of Dust by James Oppenheimer 2:53 Read by Alan Mapstone
A Lynmouth Widow by Amelia Josephine Burr 1:23 Read by De Anna Lee
The Gift of God by Edwin Arlington Robinson 2:01 Read by aliyu
Sonnet XXIX by Arthur Davison Ficke 1:09 Read by Jessica Castro-Rappl
Romance by Conrad Aiken 33:19 Read by Jonathan Jones
If You Should Cease to Love Me by Corrine Roosevelt Robinson 2:16 Read by Jonathan Jones
Vain Excuse by Walter Conrad Arnesberg 1:22 Read by De Anna Lee
Sonnet XXX by Arthur Davison Ficke 1:09 Read by Jessica Castro-Rappl
Lost Treasure by Lydia Gibson 1:17 Read by aliyu
Old Fairingdown by Olive Tilford Dargan 4:33 Read by Hope
In the Roman Forum by Amelia Josephine Burr 4:14 Read by De Anna Lee
Ash Wednesday by John Erskine 13:06 Read by Jonathan Jones
The Laggard Song by Richard Le Gallienne 1:30 Read by Bruce Kachuk
Grotesque by Ruth Guthrie Harding 1:51 Read by mleigh
Ballade of a Dead Lady by Richard Le Gallienne 2:06 Read by De Anna Lee
An Epitaph by Walter Conrad Arnesberg 0:38 Read by Dereck Atwater
War by Witter Bynner 0:42 Read by Dereck Atwater
France by Percy MacKaye 0:52 Read by Nidhi Prakash
The Drum by E. Sutton 5:54 Read by Jonathan Jones
If! by Bartholomew F. Griffin 2:31 Read by Dan McNellan
Prelude by Edmond McKenna 4:44 Read by Dan McNellan
The Other Army by Bartholomew F. Griffin 2:20 Read by Alan Mapstone
The Bugle by E. Sutton 3:11 Read by Nidhi Prakash
He Went for a Soldier by Ruth Comfort Mitchell 3:05 Read by Dan McNellan
Six Sonnets (August, 1914) by Percy MacKaye 5:54 Read by Lisa Greene
Litany of Nations by William Griffith 4:28 Read by De Anna Lee
To the Necrophile by Walter Conrad Arnesberg 1:25 Read by Lee Vogler
Louvain by Oliver Herford 1:17 Read by Bruce Kachuk
The Ancient Sacrifice by Mahlon Leonard Fisher 1:28 Read by mleigh
The Pipes of the North by E. Sutton 4:09 Read by Alan Mapstone
Out of Babylon by Clinton Scollard 2:18 Read by Alan Mapstone
''Funere Mersit Acerbo'' by Ruth Shepard Phelps 1:39 Read by Alan Mapstone
Afterwards by Mahlon Leonard Fisher 1:25 Read by mleigh
Evening by Charlotte Wilson 1:12 Read by Larry Wilson
Lights through the Mist by William Rose Benet 1:01 Read by Larry Wilson
The Twelve-Forty-Five by Joyce Kilmer 4:40 Read by Alan Mapstone
The Last Demand by Faith Baldwin 2:08 Read by Larry Wilson
Godspeed! By Jane Belfeld 1:16 Read by De Anna Lee
At the End of the Road by Madison Cawein 1:36 Read by Winnifred Assmann
Path-Flower by Olive Tilford Dargan 4:21 Read by Larry Wilson
The God-Maker, Man by Don Marquis 4:59 Read by Alan Mapstone
Ten Books of Poetry for a Small Library 11:12 Read by docdlmartin
Twenty-five Books of Poetry for a Larger Library 11:07 Read by docdlmartin
Supplementary List of Significant Books of Poetry for a Large Library 28:53 Read by docdlmartin