Who was King James?

Who was King James? allows Obadiah 1:18 of The Christian Identity Forum to provide historical background into the person of King James himself. While not a promotion of the KJV Bible it shows how the enemy has an interest in smearing Christian men thus this special show explains the genuine King James of Scotland using direct quotes from known figures of his time. Upcoming events are discussed.



TS-726380 2:49:46
Who was King James? 2:49:46


Most non Christian Identists wont wanto listen to this

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Im not a practicing Christian, but do happen to be white, and straight, just prefer my own personal views about Jesus and the Commandments, tho do intend to look into this dual seedline philosophy as part of other studies, so glad to find this ---- For everyone else, not going to listen in, only wanting to learn about King James and the Bible, the topics based on is an article by a Baptist minister Dr. Phil Stringer: <a href="http://www.psalm118.org/story_of_king_james.htm" rel="nofollow">The Real Story of King James I</a> (subheading) "Was King James Really The UnGodly Man That His Modern Critics Proclaim Him To Be", its fairly interesting, and theres a reasonably good doco on the making of the KJ bible <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CCevwHUIOU" rel="nofollow">here</a> if interested in further details, or for quick summary of his life, can see <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIJ5Ydytw8g" rel="nofollow">here</a>