Whitman: An Interpretation in Narrative

Read by Jim Locke

"You want to know in a word the sum total of my life philosophy as I have tried to live it and as I have tried to put it in my book. I will tell you. It is only the closest student who would find it in my works. ... The sum total of my view of life has always been to humbly accept and thank God for whatever inspiration toward good may come in this rough world of ours and, as far as may be, to cut loose from and put the bad behind always and always." Walt Whitman, I89I. (10 hr 36 min)


Preface 8:46 Read by Jim Locke
Book 1, Part 1, A Journalist in Brooklyn 34:17 Read by Jim Locke
Book 1, Part 2, A Journalist in Brooklyn 40:42 Read by Jim Locke
Book 2, Part 1, A City of Romance 34:01 Read by Jim Locke
Book 2, Part 2, A City of Romance 35:01 Read by Jim Locke
Book 3, Part 1, The Spirit Speaks 54:38 Read by Jim Locke
Book 3, Part 2, The Spirit Speaks 1:00:58 Read by Jim Locke
Book 4, Part 1, On the Open Road 43:33 Read by Jim Locke
Book 4, Part 2, On the Open Road 49:42 Read by Jim Locke
Book 5, Part 1, A Glimpse of War's Hell Scenes 50:38 Read by Jim Locke
Book 5, Part 2, A Glimpse of War's Hell-Scenes 52:03 Read by Jim Locke
Book 6, Part 1, One Increasing Purpose 43:19 Read by Jim Locke
Book 6, Part 2, One Increasing Purpose 39:39 Read by Jim Locke
Book 7, Part 1, The Long Afternoon 45:01 Read by Jim Locke
Book 7, Part 2, The Long Afternoon 44:11 Read by Jim Locke