Fathers and Sons

Read by Roger Melin

(4.6 stars; 152 reviews)

The fathers and children of the novel refers to the growing divide between the two generations of Russians, and the character Yevgeny Bazarov has been referred to as the "first Bolshevik", for his nihilism and rejection of the old order.

Turgenev wrote Fathers and Sons as a response to the growing cultural schism that he saw between liberals of the 1830s/1840s and the growing nihilist movement. Both the nihilists (the "sons") and the 1830s liberals sought Western-based social change in Russia. Additionally, these two modes of thought were contrasted with the conservative Slavophiles, who believed that Russia's path lay in its traditional spirituality.

Fathers and Sons might be regarded as the first wholly modern novel in Russian Literature (Gogol's Dead Souls, another main contender, is sometimes referred to as a poem or epic in prose as in the style of Dante's Divine Comedy). The novel introduces a dual character study, as seen with the gradual breakdown of Bazarov's and Arkady's nihilistic opposition to emotional display, especially in the case of Bazarov's love for Madame Odintsova and Fenichka. This prominent theme of character duality and deep psychological insight would exert an influence on most of the great Russian novels to come, most obviously echoed in the novels of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky.

The novel is also the first Russian work to gain prominence in the Western world, eventually gaining the approval of well established novelists Gustave Flaubert, Guy de Maupassant, and Henry James, proving that Russian literature owes much to Ivan Turgenev. (Summary from Wikipedia) (9 hr 15 min)


Chapter 01 9:49 Read by Roger Melin
Chapter 02 5:07 Read by Roger Melin
Chapter 03 14:40 Read by Roger Melin
Chapter 04 11:35 Read by Roger Melin
Chapter 05 16:16 Read by Roger Melin
Chapter 06 8:05 Read by Roger Melin
Chapter 07 16:54 Read by Roger Melin
Chapter 08 18:52 Read by Roger Melin
Chapter 09 8:06 Read by Roger Melin
Chapter 10 32:32 Read by Roger Melin
Chapter 11 10:52 Read by Roger Melin
Chapter 12 13:39 Read by Roger Melin
Chapter 13 16:02 Read by Roger Melin
Chapter 14 12:44 Read by Roger Melin
Chapter 15 11:56 Read by Roger Melin
Chapter 16 26:51 Read by Roger Melin
Chapter 17 29:39 Read by Roger Melin
Chapter 18 13:19 Read by Roger Melin
Chapter 19 19:33 Read by Roger Melin
Chapter 20 29:21 Read by Roger Melin
Chapter 21 43:45 Read by Roger Melin
Chapter 22 15:16 Read by Roger Melin
Chapter 23 18:02 Read by Roger Melin
Chapter 24 45:00 Read by Roger Melin
Chapter 25 27:08 Read by Roger Melin
Chapter 26 23:34 Read by Roger Melin
Chapter 27 41:45 Read by Roger Melin
Chapter 28 15:01 Read by Roger Melin


Fathers and Sons

(5 stars)

I had read other well known Russian authors, but not Turgenev. I liked his style very much. He retained a very distinct Russian flavor, but his prose was not as dark or heavy as some writers from the same country; who wrote great masterpieces, but could be quite difficult to read (and well worth the effort). This is one of those books that deserve even more than the allowed five stars. The reader has to take a lot of the credit, since he really contributed to the feeling of continuity and amenity in the story. He did, not unusually, a great job and also deserves more than your allowed five stars. Thank you!

Great reading of a classic.

(5 stars)

Thoroughly enjoyed this version. I'd recommend this to anyone.

Bucket list book

(5 stars)

In numerous top ten lists compiled of books you should read before you're 50, Fathers and Sons is one of the most often added. its supposedly compulsory reading for budding authors. At the start I want to say how faultlessly and expressively it was read by Roger Melin. I realise its not always possible for these novels to have a single reader when they're all volunteers, but it was helpful to have Roger's consistency and quality all the way through the listening. Turgenev has brilliantly captured the mood and the mores of the Russian middle class in the period just before emancipation of the serfs. He populates his book with characters richly described with their likes dislikes and attitudes. Some of which seem distinctly at odds with contemporary views of life and social interactions of todays listeners. Particularly in the west. Often amongst the interaction of the main characters we get a glimpse of life in mid 19th C Russia. Particularly the strict rules governing the division of the classes.

great reading by Roger melin

(5 stars)

I didn't like this so much till the ending which was just so gripping and sad...it (this ending) really did a good job of placing this period Russia in my mind. definitely worth a read; it's short. Rings more of Tolstoy than Dostoevsky for sure.

(5 stars)

My first Russian story and it won’t be my last; well read, as always by Roger melin; I decided to start with this because it’s quite short and because of the reviews which are favourable

a perfect reading

(4.5 stars)

One of the best books & readings I've heard. Very thought provoking & without undue affectation, perfectly suiting the characters and tenure of the book. Thank you!

(5 stars)

A beautiful book. My first by Ivan Turgenev and certainly not the last. The narrator had the right voice for this movement. Thank you🙏

(5 stars)

Even if the story was not magnificent, the reading captivated me. Roger is superb and his descriptive reading would make any story seem interesting.