The Book of Werewolves
Sabine Baring-Gould
Read by LibriVox Volunteers

A survey of the myths and legends concerning lycanthropy from ancient times to the Victorian Era. (Summary by A. Gramour) (5 hr 42 min)
A real treat from the wonderful volunteers of LibriVOX

To Heck with the glut (great onomonopoeia--glut) of vampire fiction out there, which tempts this reader not at all. This is a Victorian clergyman's survey of NON-fiction claims from many centuries and regions of the world. Who on earth would choose made-up over this?? From the dearth of reviews, the answer seems to be 'just about everybody,' but I think that has to be because they haven't found wonderful LibriVox yet. Some of the readers sound like professional voices . Others are non-native speakers who are probably volunteering partly as a way to improve their English. I like and admire them all! Whatever may be YOUR reason for volunteering, I am in awe of your commitment and the results and just your willingness to give of your precious energy and time to strangers. I'm sure I speak for many many others who are just blown away by LibriVOX!

Clay Gilmore
Another surprise from the pondering pastor of another time
Exhaustive look at all things werewolf and related- disturbing!

Lots of information, some only tangentially connected to werewolves. The folklore bits are very informative. Bits about cannibals and mass murderers seem a bit far afield to me. Much of the content is given to historically documented instances of men who tortured and murdered many children- at least one claimed many hundreds. The fact that much of this information seems to come from court reports and depositions makes it seem very real and immediate. This may be too much to listen to- I know I had to take a break for a while.
Fun and Informative

This was a great book on the origins of the werewolf myth, covering folklore and criminal accounts believed to be caused by werewolves from various regions. The book is informative and well-thought-out without being dry (although one account goes on for a while listing the very numerous victims of one murderer). The quality of the readings varies a bit but I didn’t have much trouble understanding the narrators
intriguing stories with good readers

Gerard Kelly
Big thanks to LibriVox for introducing me to yet another Canon of literature that I would never have encountered.I concur with the views of other reviewers that LibriVox is indeed a most wonderful app I never fail to recommend it to people however I am surprised that they sometimes can't even be bothered to try it, well it is their loss.
Very interesting

Auntie Terror
Books on werewolves are scarce, in comparison to those about other supernatural creatures. This one gives a great and thorough overview on the topic.
it was awesome

but The Voice had an echo some of the time it got so annoying but the (book) was good
Absolutely fantastic

so much folklore and historical information, and spooky too. Loved it. All the readers did quite well, also.