Recollections of Life in Ohio, from 1813-1840
William Cooper Howells
Read by Sue Anderson

Recollections of Life in Ohio is the autobiography of William Cooper Howells (1807-1894), father of the American novelist William Dean Howells. The Howells were Welsh woolen mill owners. William Cooper's father brought the family to America in 1808--at a time when Great Britain actually forbid skilled workmen from emigrating, thus putting the father's practical knowledge of mill machinery in great demand. Small scale industries--paper and woolen mills, flour mills, and distilleries were sprouting apace with farms in the newly opened lands of Ohio, where the Howells settled in 1813. This was a time and place where neighbors joined together to raise log barns and husk corn, where local peach brandy was a staple drink, and where religious revivalism permeated the social fabric, fanned by itinerant preachers such as Johnny Appleseed. The Howells were originally Quakers, but William Cooper's father converted to an "enthusiastic" brand of Methodism, and William Cooper in later years followed the teachings of Swedenborg.
William Cooper Howells' recollections see him herding the family pig down the road with a noose around its hind leg, acting as "corner man" at a log barn raising, curing tobacco in a smoke house, grubbing stumps, fighting snakes, and wrestling with what it meant to be "religious" at the camp meetings to which father took him. Early on, William Cooper showed a literary bent and an interest in politics. He became a printer and a newspaper man and, in the 1870's and 80's served as U.S. consul in Quebec and Toronto.
The novelist William Dean Howells writes of his dad in the introduction to the Recollections: "My father was always a very close and critical observer, both of nature and human nature and equally a lover of both. He was not a poet in the artistic sense, but he was a poet in his view of life, the universe, creation; and his dream of it included man, as well as the woods and fields and their citizenship." Recollections of Life in Ohio is a fascinating and enjoyable read for anyone interested in U.S. frontier history. (6 hr 34 min)
Emigration to America; Down the Ohio by Keelboat | 31:37 | Read by Sue Anderson |
The Woolen Mill; Sketch of Quaker Usages and Customs | 30:26 | Read by Sue Anderson |
Scanty Schooling; A Religious Enthusiast | 30:28 | Read by Sue Anderson |
A Log Cabin; Pigs in the Woods | 36:00 | Read by Sue Anderson |
Early Steamboats; Rafts on the River | 35:54 | Read by Sue Anderson |
Camp-Meeting in the Rain; A Night Grammar School | 32:50 | Read by Sue Anderson |
Washing of Blue Feet; Hewn-Log Farmhouses | 34:49 | Read by Sue Anderson |
Tobacco Raising; Ohio Canal and Work on it | 36:14 | Read by Sue Anderson |
The Author Opens a Grammar School; How Singing was Taught | 31:32 | Read by Sue Anderson |
Six Cents Fine and Five Minutes in Prison; The Author Starts a Magazine | 30:55 | Read by Sue Anderson |
Public Executions; Slaveholders' Panic in Wheeling | 33:10 | Read by Sue Anderson |
Opposition to the Mexican War; Declining Years | 30:54 | Read by Sue Anderson |

Wonderful book gives a clear look at life in this time frame for the average to less fortunate family.
a true historical account of a very early settlers period

Renee Koehn
Eras Gone

Mark Hubbs
An excellent memoir. Wonderful details on the daily life of early settlers. We read also.

I Thought it was a great Story and well Read.
An indispensable social history of 19th Century America!

A LibriVox Listener

Well read. A bit rambling, although interesting.

An interesting insight to past times an lands far away. Not much of a story though. Awesome quality reading.