Pearl Maiden
H. Rider Haggard
Read by LibriVox Volunteers

This is the story of Miriam, an orphan Christian woman living in Rome in the first century. She falls in love with a Roman officer, but knows that her Jewish childhood playmate loves her too- and will do anything in order to get her love in return. (Summary by Stav Nisser) (15 hr 1 min)

Terri Lynn
A great look into the lives of Jewish, Roman Elite and soilders battled between themselves. The odd part for me was how few Christians there were. Then the book became graphics as to how many of early Christians died. All in all a well read Christian fiction book that surprised me at the end.
mediocre reading at best.

A LibriVox Listener
the reader's pitch and inflection detracted from an otherwise great story. despite that, had I heard the women who read 2 of the chapters, I'd have passed on this book. she's proof that sometimes even volunteers should be fired. I'll watch for and avoid anything else she's read.
mechanical voice

A LibriVox Listener
I just can't listen anymore. is this a real person reading or is it a text to voice software. the inflections and pauses are strange, unnatural. this book reading should be put on the redo list. love librovox, just don't like this production.
pearl maiden

A LibriVox Listener
The book is one of Haggard’s best, though different from most of his other works. The readers, on the other hand, made it a less enjoyable experience than it could have been. Thanks LibriVox

Lorri L Rothert
This is the first H R Haggard book I've ever read, & I'm looking forward to going to King Solomon's mines next (especially as the Reviews praise the reader). This story was enjoyable, if a little predictable, and enticed me to learn more about the Roman-Judean wars & the Flavian Caesars, which is one of my main reasons for loving historical fiction. I must say, however, this Reading is stilted, requiring just about all inflection & emotion to be "added" mentally by the listener. This isn't always a bad thing, because if allows the listener to "read" in the emotion she would bring off the page. But sometimes it makes the listening a bit difficult. All in all an enjoyable audio book.
very sweet and good morals

A LibriVox Listener
a beautifully written story of a very sweet and intelligent young lady who faithfully puts God and her family first above all things and is rewarded. Full of wisdom which has been lost from many hearts today. the voice is somthing you get used to and grow to enjoy. Thanks for your work in sharing this book.
Infant Baptism NO NO

I liked the exciting story with the facts on the Jewish-Roman War, except where Miriam was baptized at probably not more than one hour old. she had no reason to be baptized since, because of her innocence, does not know who Jesus is and does not even know the word Christian exists, never mind be one. Period.

graham huckel
Have we changed so little that we suffer a few Megalomaniac leaders control by their wishes the population of Nations. Look now 2 thousands years later, have we not the same apparition unfolding before our eyes.