
Read by Simon Evers

(4.7 stars; 294 reviews)

Dickson McCunn, a respectable, newly retired grocer, plans a walking holiday in the hills of south-west Scotland. He meets a young English poet and finds himself in the thick of a plot involving the kidnapping of a Russian princess, who is held prisoner in the rambling mansion, Huntingtower. This modern fairy-tale is also a gripping adventure story. (Summary by Simon Evers) (7 hr 34 min)


Prologue 7:50 Read by Simon Evers
Chapter 1 17:04 Read by Simon Evers
Chapter 2 28:30 Read by Simon Evers
Chapter 3 37:49 Read by Simon Evers
Chapter 4 21:14 Read by Simon Evers
Chapter 5 44:46 Read by Simon Evers
Chapter 6 31:27 Read by Simon Evers
Chapter 7 28:16 Read by Simon Evers
Chapter 8 25:05 Read by Simon Evers
Chapter 9 26:41 Read by Simon Evers
Chapter 10 29:05 Read by Simon Evers
Chapter 11 23:25 Read by Simon Evers
Chapter 12 27:32 Read by Simon Evers
Chapter 13 17:53 Read by Simon Evers
Chapter 14 41:48 Read by Simon Evers
Chapter 15 28:40 Read by Simon Evers
Chapter 16 17:22 Read by Simon Evers


The romance of Fairytales and the thrill of adventure.

(5 stars)

For what more could one man ask? The adventures of this story are gripping, heartwarming, and read coherently by a good voice. Final verdict can only be: five of five.


(5 stars)

An unassuming man meets the challenge of his life in a story that reminds me of HG Wells' adventure-on-holiday novels. Well read by Simon Evers who thankfully doesn't attempt a Scottish accent. (Buchan was a Scot who sometimes wrote in unimpenetrable dialect.) Highly recommended. TheBookworm (Manchester, UK)

A Fun Adventure

(4.5 stars)

I am learning to trust anything that Simon Evers chooses to invest his time in portraying as a very worthy investment of my own listening time. This was a wonderful little adventure with enough character study to make it a sound literary consideration. Thank you, Simon Evers.

(5 stars)

Being read to by that voice is a treat. The story will make you laugh at times and keep you in suspense at others.

good story

(4.5 stars)

A well written and interesting story. the reader did an amazing job. recommend to all

Excellent book and narrator.

(5 stars)

After listening to many books on Librivox and elsewhere, I found this book to be a standout. So many of the books from this period, despite being estimable are marred by pedantic moralizing and/or prejudice characteristic of the time. This book is not. In addition it has a great storyline, excellent character development without excess narrative and the writing is lyrical and rhythmic. One can absolutely see him Tolkien might have been very positively influenced by the author, and by this story in particular. To top it off, the narrator is easily of professional quality and the recording is excellent. While I find that books tend to be overrated by listeners on Librivox, I have absolutely no hesitation to give this fine starts and strongly recommend it to anyone that enjoys a good story well told. Enjoy.

A pleasure!

(5 stars)

Simon Evers is always a great storyteller. He works hard to have the overall plot of the story in mind as he tells it and that makes such a great difference in conveying the spirit as well of the words of each character. In this story Simon Evers does a superb job of giving each character it's own distinct personality and that provides another dimension of enjoyment of the plot. I love Buchan's embodiement of the Scottish character and way of life. For some reason, the descriptions of the wonderful teas was irresistible. I've been hunting for mutton ham since I first read the story. (Can't be got for love or money and the Scottish food export department have never heard of it. Another Buchanan mystery?) Thank you for making this story such a pleasure to listen to.

Thank you, Mr Evers

(5 stars)

This is a delightful adventure story. Our reader with perfect pitch and pacing gives us a great listen. I was so much reminded of Mr Baggins setting out of his front door, for his adventures with the Dwarves in The Hobbit. While there are no dragons, our hero returns with a gift of great value. And what adventures there are, how they alter the lives of so many. There is also a Dark Tower and a grand battle. What fun John Buchan must have had writing this story.