Character Building

Read by Luke Sartor

(4.5 stars; 266 reviews)

Character Building is a compilation of speeches, given by Mr. Booker T. Washington, to the students and staff of the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute (now known as Tuskegee University).
Booker T. Washington was one of the most prominent leaders in advancing African-American civil rights. Born into slavery and freed as a young boy, he rose through the ranks of education to eventually earn his position as principal of Tuskegee. Under his guidance, the school was built, by students and for students, to give them a deeply meaningful education. Mr. Washington stressed the importance of developing oneself for life-long success. He strove to imbue in his students the highest personal standards, and these speeches represent the core messages he gave.
(Originally published by Doubleday, Page & Co., NY, in 1902. Summary by Luke Sartor) (6 hr 37 min)


Publisher's Explanation and Preface 4:14 Read by Luke Sartor
Two Sides of Life 11:35 Read by Luke Sartor
Helping Others 10:12 Read by Luke Sartor
Some of the Rocks Ahead 9:27 Read by Luke Sartor
On Influencing by Example 8:20 Read by Luke Sartor
The Virtue of Simplicity 14:23 Read by Luke Sartor
Have You Done Your Best? 11:03 Read by Luke Sartor
Don't Be Discouraged 8:42 Read by Luke Sartor
On Getting a Home 8:18 Read by Luke Sartor
Calling Things By Their Right Names 10:07 Read by Luke Sartor
European Impressions 12:51 Read by Luke Sartor
The Value of System In Home Life 8:53 Read by Luke Sartor
What Will Pay? 10:51 Read by Luke Sartor
Education that Educates 10:02 Read by Luke Sartor
The Importance of Being Reliable 10:27 Read by Luke Sartor
The Highest Education 10:56 Read by Luke Sartor
Unimproved Opportunities 18:03 Read by Luke Sartor
Keeping Your Word 9:52 Read by Luke Sartor
Some Lessons of the Hour 12:04 Read by Luke Sartor
The Gospel of Service 10:25 Read by Luke Sartor
Your Part in the Negro Conference 9:37 Read by Luke Sartor
What Is To Be Our Future? 12:00 Read by Luke Sartor
Some Great Little Things 9:47 Read by Luke Sartor
To Would-Be Teachers 7:28 Read by Luke Sartor
The Cultivation of Stable Habits 9:19 Read by Luke Sartor
What You Ought to Do 12:42 Read by Luke Sartor
Individual Responsibility 13:52 Read by Luke Sartor
Getting On In the World 6:09 Read by Luke Sartor
Each One His Part 9:25 Read by Luke Sartor
What Would Father and Mother Say? 10:59 Read by Luke Sartor
Object Lessons 8:40 Read by Luke Sartor
Substance vs. Shadow 9:33 Read by Luke Sartor
Character as Shown in Dress 6:57 Read by Luke Sartor
Sing The Old Songs 10:48 Read by Luke Sartor
Getting Down To Mother Earth 12:06 Read by Luke Sartor
A Penny Saved 15:24 Read by Luke Sartor
Growth 9:00 Read by Luke Sartor
Last Words 13:28 Read by Luke Sartor


Character Building by Booker T. Washington

(5 stars)

This is A MUST READ for ALL students in grammar schools, high school and universities. This book, if all advice is applied, would change our youth and society's behavior and outlook on life in a VERY POSITIVE way! Love it!

Character Building

(5 stars)

The recording is AWESOME read at a perfect speed and very easy to understand.


(5 stars)

this concise book breaks down all aspects ts of life. although it's a dated book, the information still holds true.

(5 stars)

A great book with great moral foundations for anyone who is looking to better themselves.

(5 stars)

simply put Awsome book well said..simple to understand .. an makes me want to become a better in every aspect frm hw I dress to way I speak..


(5 stars)

a must read or a must hear for any person before their 20ties...if possible. But anyway this is for all ages

Have integrity

(5 stars)

This is a book that humbles you and helps you to develop as a respectable individual


(5 stars)

The author no doubt knew what suffering was having been born into slavery. However he came to an uncommon conclusion about how to overcome the injustice of his time. Get an education, forgive those who didn't deserve it and set about improving the world. The collection of speeches may have been intended for students, but I found myself captivated by the truths and values delivered. Excellent reading with authentic Australian crickets occasionally heard in the background, thought they were in my house while listening.