Anne of the Island (version 4)

Read by Rachel

(3.4 stars; 12 reviews)

The third book in the Anne of Green Gables series accompanies beloved redhead Anne Shirley to Redmond College. Here Anne receives numerous proposals, befriends a mangled but determined pussy cat, and sets up housekeeping with her chums in the dearest little cottage imaginable. Gilbert Blythe persists in courting her, but Anne soon sends him packing. Poor Gilbert doesn't seem to stand a chance when the dashing man of Anne's dreams appears out of nowhere....(Summary by Sweet Pea)

Proof-listeners: Eden Rea-Hedrick and Beth Thomas (7 hr 11 min)


Dedication and Chapter I - The Shadow of Change 15:49 Read by Rachel
Chapter II - Garlands of Autumn 14:27 Read by Rachel
Chapter III - Greeting and Farewell 10:54 Read by Rachel
Chapter IV - April's Lady 23:16 Read by Rachel
Chapter V - Letters from Home 14:11 Read by Rachel
Chapter VI - In the Park 11:20 Read by Rachel
Chapter VII - Home Again 14:18 Read by Rachel
Chapter VIII - Anne's First Proposal 7:49 Read by Rachel
Chapter IX - An Unwelcome Lover and a Welcome Friend 13:25 Read by Rachel
Chapter X - Patty's Place 14:07 Read by Rachel
Chapter XI - The Round of Life 15:39 Read by Rachel
Chapter XII - "Averil's Atonement" 13:22 Read by Rachel
Chapter XIII - The Way of Transgressors 16:34 Read by Rachel
Chapter XIV - The Summons 14:48 Read by Rachel
Chapter XV - A Dream Turned Upside Down 8:32 Read by Rachel
Chapter XVI - Adjusted Relationships 19:11 Read by Rachel
Chapter XVII - A Letter from Davy 5:17 Read by Rachel
Chapter XVIII - Miss Josephine Remembers the Anne-girl 9:28 Read by Rachel
Chapter XIX - An Interlude 6:20 Read by Rachel
Chapter XX - Gilbert Speaks 9:11 Read by Rachel
Chapter XXI - Roses of Yesterday 7:05 Read by Rachel
Chapter XXII - Spring and Anne Return to Green Gables 7:34 Read by Rachel
Chapter XXIII - Paul Cannot Find the Rock People 6:56 Read by Rachel
Chapter XXIV - Enter Jonas 9:34 Read by Rachel
Chapter XXV - Enter Prince Charming 10:41 Read by Rachel
Chapter XXVI - Enter Christine 6:18 Read by Rachel
Chapter XXVII - Mutual Confidences 9:16 Read by Rachel
Chapter XXVIII - A June Evening 7:36 Read by Rachel
Chapter XXIX - Diana's Wedding 6:24 Read by Rachel
Chapter XXX - Mrs. Skinner's Romance 6:09 Read by Rachel
Chapter XXXI - Anne to Philippa 4:59 Read by Rachel
Chapter XXXII - Tea with Mrs. Douglas 8:11 Read by Rachel
Chapter XXXIII - "He Just Kept Coming and Coming" 5:32 Read by Rachel
Chapter XXXIV - John Douglas Speaks at Last 8:05 Read by Rachel
Chapter XXXV - The Last Redmond Year Opens 10:52 Read by Rachel
Chapter XXXVI - The Gardners' Call 9:29 Read by Rachel
Chapter XXXVII - Full-fledged B.A.'s 9:10 Read by Rachel
Chapter XXXVIII - False Dawn 9:52 Read by Rachel
Chapter XXXIX - Deals with Weddings 12:38 Read by Rachel
Chapter XL - A Book of Revelation 8:00 Read by Rachel
Chapter XLI - Love Takes Up the Glass of Time 9:34 Read by Rachel



(1 stars)

Too dramatic bleh bleh bleh