The Sword of Antietam
Joseph A. Altsheler
Read by LibriVox Volunteers

"The Sword of Antietam" tells a complete story, but it is one in the chain of Civil War romances, begun in "The Guns of Bull Run" and continued through "The Guns of Shiloh" and "The Scouts of Stonewall." The young Northern hero, Dick Mason, and his friends are in the forefront of the tale. (Summary from the Foreword) (8 hr 34 min)

i can usually speed or slow the playback according to the clarity and rate of speech of the reader. When there are so many readers in a book it sure makes that practice difficult.
Cuts both ways

True telling of brave dedication on both sides. Within same families the hard losses and horrors tore all.
Good book

James Jeffrey
Really good book but the last chapter was very hard to understand due to the readers accent.
another great book

This Book Is Awesome except for the very last chapter. It's hard to understand

Keith Horvath
Many dead. Many wounded. Bodies strewn about from both Army's. 20,000. A draw.

Stephen Lowe
There is one reader who reads this fine book like it is Jake and Jill went up a hill ....I guess you get what you pay for. Fabulous book with parts read by someone who should read lullabies to sleepy toddlers.
Great except for the last two chapters

The strong accent of that reader made it hard to follow the story.