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Diary of a Suicide

Gelesen von Lee Smalley

(4,8 Sterne; 25 Bewertungen)

“Mr. B. Russell Herts, c/o International Magazine, New York City.
Under separate cover I am sending you a record of a young man who is about to commit suicide. My only object is that it may help…to ease the way for some who come after…. I do not sign this, but you may verify my death by communicating with Mr. ——, whom I am writing to-day, so that he may look after my effects in New York.”

The body of a well-dressed young man was found off Manhattan Beach, Sept. 28, 1913. In his pockets a torn photograph of Strindberg and receipts for three registered letters were found. These receipts were traced to Mr. Herts and to friends in Toronto, one of whom identified the body on Oct. 2d as that of Wallace E. Baker. –From the book’s Forward. (2 hr 16 min)


Part 01


Read by Lee Smalley

Part 02


Read by Lee Smalley

Part 03


Read by Lee Smalley

Part 04


Read by Lee Smalley

Part 05


Read by Lee Smalley

Part 06


Read by Lee Smalley

Part 07


Read by Lee Smalley

Part 08


Read by Lee Smalley


(5 Sterne)

I not only enjoyed listening to this, but I am very familiar of the condition. The fact I am here writing, tells you I was not successful in my endeavour a few years ago. It was as if the author had interviewed me before writing the book, everything was familiar. The tiredness, not able to complete the tasks in life that one would like to complete, the brain fog, the anxiety and the persistent background white noise, namely depression. Very well written book.

Similaritys in writings and my feelings. on par incredible. RIP

(5 Sterne)


(5 Sterne)

I liked listening to this.