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Outside the Prison

Gelesen von Crln Yldz Ksr

(3,881 Sterne; 21 Bewertungen)

On Christmas Eve, journalist Bronson is sent to wait outside of Moyamensing Prison to report on the release of a certain infamous prisoner. His case had gotten a lot of attention, so the paper wants a man on the spot. However, what Bronson hears and sees outside the prison that night is not quite what he was expecting. - Summary by Carolin (0 hr 49 min)


Part 1


Read by Crln Yldz Ksr

Part 2


Read by Crln Yldz Ksr

Part 3


Read by Crln Yldz Ksr


sad tale

(3,5 Sterne)

Carolyn is one of my favorite readers, though she's slow and over-pronunciates, so don't listen when you're in an active mood. But she's perfect for a bedtime listen. The story is well written in it's way, but not sure of the point. Ended abruptly and sadly. The main character wasn't developed at all. No clue to his personality was given. The real protagonist appeared halfway through the story. It was a snapshot of an unfortunate episode in the lives of people we never got to know. Almost all of them had severe character flaws and never had a chance to improve themselves. Bad (and mostly preventable) things happened to immoral people who made regrettable choices. Then it ended with an abrupt slammed door toward any further possible progress.


(3 Sterne)

A newspaper reporter is chagrined to be assigned yet another story about a criminal being released from prison. And this one is on Christmas Eve. How many ways can he tell the same story without stretching the details? Yet this time there are some very sad twists that make it deeply melancholy.

Outside of Prison

(4,5 Sterne)

Nice story and Carolin did a good job of reading as I have always enjoyed her readings ! I found the ending surprising ,but my first time hearing this authors work but will not be the last! Thanks to Carolin & LibriVox for this good short story


(4 Sterne)

A somewhat poignant story which reminds us of the countless small dramas which occur every moment in our world, meaningless to all but a few people. Fie on those who complain about Carolin; she is one of the best.


(3 Sterne)

I liked the story, but the reading is PAINFUL! With mis-pronounced words and strange inflections. Truly PAINFUL to listen to. Who in the world proof listened and why was nothing done about it??

one of my favorite readers

(1 Sterne)

I heard no point to the story.