Synthetic Marmalade
Gelesen von Mike Luoma
Mike Luoma

Poems, Song Lyrics and Magic Spells written by Mike Luoma over the past 20 years. Luoma's poems and lyrics range from idylls on Vermont ("The Monkton Road") to songs the Boss might like ("Cars & Girls #342")to spell-like ritual poetry ("Ceremonies of Light and Dark"), and all points in between. The poems and spells are recited, the lyrics are sung accompanied by a guitar, recorded straight to two-track with some overdubs. The content is presented in a different order from the print book so that songs and poems could be mixed together. Special guest Sean Kelly of the Samples helped record "Sonny's Got A Gun" and plays on the track.
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Synthetic Marmalade Part One: Life
Read by Mike Luoma
Synthetic Marmalade Part Two: Love
Read by Mike Luoma
Synthetic Marmalade Part Three: Madness
Read by Mike Luoma
Synthetic Marmalade Part Four: Magic
Read by Mike Luoma
Read by Mike Luoma
By: Mike Luoma

Did you know you can get news about my books and behind-the-scene glimpses into my notes and notebooks when you listen to the chapters of ALIBI JONES on my Glow-in-the-Dark Radio Podcasts? You get the pure book, chapter by chapter, here at Podiobooks. If you want more, visit: ALIBI ...
By: Mike Luoma

I was tipped off to a great site for ebooks: Smashwords: As a writer, I upload my books to Smashwords and their software, known affectionately as the "Meatgrinder", takes the original document and converts it into several different formats. Smashwords then makes the ebooks available for sale using PayPal. ...
By: Mike Luoma

I’m happy to see team up with – I’ve had my books available through Smashwords ever since I was turned onto their site a couple months ago. Their “meatgrinder” is especially impressive! I also like that Smashwords lets me offer you the e-books for the price you choose ...
By: Mike Luoma

My latest endeavor is a convergence of my worlds! My comic book short “Alibi Jones: Blind Eye” is now an audiobook short story! I’ve adapted the script from the comic as an audio short, and it’s free to listen to as part of my new Glow-in-the-Dark Radio Podcast: It’s ...
By: Mike Luoma

You may have noticed the spiffy new cover on my novel ALIBI JONES - beautiful new artwork by Federico Guillen. With this lovely new cover and a second edition, the first edition copies of ALIBI JONES are now-rare collector's items... and I'm giving my last two away! You can win ...
By: Mike Luoma

I'm trying out the new Scrib'd Store (beta). My books are on sale there for $1 each for a pdf downloand: Scrib'd gives the author 80% of the price. Amazon gives you 35% for your Kindle book... Mike
By: Mike Luoma

Just did a great interview, talking to Rhonda from Podioracket about "Vatican Assassin - Remastered" and all my books and projects. I've got it posted on my blog:
By: Abbie White

The guitar and voice quality is great. There is too much profanity and explicity sexual content for my taste