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Summer Surprise

Gelesen von Philip 'Norvaljoe' Carroll

(4,333 Sterne; 6 Bewertungen)

Chad is in love with Amy. He knows it now, but isn't sure how to deal with it.

It's summer vacation before starting high school. Chad has recently returned from an inter-dimensional romp to rescue Amy and bring her back to the Prime Dimension, our world. After all they went through to survive their adventure, Chad can't understand why Amy now is acting aloof and indifferent.

Of all the things Chad expected from summer, his older brother, Mike, coming home without warning from his duty in Afghanistan was not one of them. The two brothers have a chance to compare experiences from their respective wars and help each other cope with the 'baggage' such trauma leaves.

However, Mike's sudden reappearance is only the first surprise of the summer. Others which follow are not so desirable and will affect Chad and his relationships with his brother and Amy for the rest of their lives.

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SummerSurprise 01

Read by Philip 'Norvaljoe' Carroll

SummerSurprise 02

Read by Philip 'Norvaljoe' Carroll

SummerSurprise 03

Read by Philip 'Norvaljoe' Carroll

SummerSurprise 04

Read by Philip 'Norvaljoe' Carroll

SummerSurprise 05

Read by Philip 'Norvaljoe' Carroll

SummerSurprise 06

Read by Philip 'Norvaljoe' Carroll

SummerSurprise 07

Read by Philip 'Norvaljoe' Carroll


(0 Sterne)

Thanks for this series. It's a great story-line. I think this novella was a wonderful way to introduce Chad's brother. Can't wait for the next book.