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Gelesen von Phil Rossi

(4,417 Sterne; 481 Bewertungen)

Television singing sensation Calvin Hubbard has been caught with his hand in cookie jar. An illicit affair with a contest judge costs him not only the competition crown, but his musical credibility as well. Fleeing the media fallout, Calvin exiles himself to the backwoods town of Harvey, Virginia. With a little solitude and a lot of cheap beer, he plans to write the next great rock and roll album and resurrect his career. But Calvin doesn't know that a man has just been buried alive in the woods outside of town, and that this quiet murder is just the first in a string of macabre events. As the town goes silently mad around him, Calvin is unable to abandon the record of his dreams. Drunk on inspiration and blinded by an inexplicable lust, he careens headlong into the maelstrom, only to discover that he may be the town's only salvation. Something is alive in the trees—an ageless, nameless evil—and it's coming for everyone in Harvey. Now Calvin has to decide whether to run or to stay and fight… if it isn’t already too late.

" and full of scares. Harvey is dark, well-crafted, and downright menacing." -Philippa Ballantine, award-winning author of Chasing the Bard

Phil Rossi breaks new ground with Harvey--visit for the Harvey Sessions--the very album that Calvin Hubbard is composing and recording at the Little Rock Motel. Listen as the record's tracks take form and evolve from idea, to demo, to fully arranged song as impacted by the events in the novel.

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Prologue - Chapter 1

Read by Phil Rossi

Chapter 2

Read by Phil Rossi

Chapter 3

Read by Phil Rossi

Chapter 4

Read by Phil Rossi

Chapter 5

Read by Phil Rossi

Chapter 6

Read by Phil Rossi

Chapter 7

Read by Phil Rossi

Chapter 8

Read by Phil Rossi

Chapter 9

Read by Phil Rossi

Chapter 10

Read by Phil Rossi

Chapter 11

Read by Phil Rossi

Chapter 12

Read by Phil Rossi

Chapter 13

Read by Phil Rossi

Chapter 14

Read by Phil Rossi

Chapter 15

Read by Phil Rossi

Chapter 16

Read by Phil Rossi


(5 Sterne)

If you liked the Evil Dead, you'll love Harvey. The title didn't really stand out to me as something that would be a good read, but (for someone whose admittedly never had the time to read through a King novel), this is the absolute best horror book I've ever come across and I'm definitely glad I looked past the name of the book. Not sure if the Rossi's other works are this good, but after going through Harvey, and noticing that most of his other books are available on Libravox, I know what's next on my list of audios. If you like forest horror, you have to check this out!

Not my style

(1 Sterne)

I had to stop listening. could be a good story, but the language is so bad. It's sad people have to swear every other word in real life without having to listen to a book. The English language hasp so many words for descriptive expressions without having to use foul language. positive: The author has an outstanding voice.

Harrowing, haunting; holy hell Harvey!

(5 Sterne)

Another Rossi masterpiece, giving you JUST enough insight into the forces at work that you think you know what's going on. Until, that is, Rossi yanks that rug out from under you to show you the layers of terror that you didn't even think to look for!

(0 Sterne)

Audio quality great. First 75% of great Final 25% I lost the will to live. Sorry but that is how I saw (heard) it. I had listened to Cresent but had to stop half way through. I gave Phil a second chance with Harvey but I will not be putting ...

Good Rossi

(4 Sterne)

Good storytelling with interesting, flawed characters. The evil force is never really fully explained, and that works, leaving the reader to fill in the blanks. The author's narration contributes much to the mood and character development. If you liked Crescent, this one is on par, although a vastly different setting. But you still have very similar elements--a civic leader with ulterior motives (think the mayor in Jaws), a 50/50 buy in from the cops, a too cool for school anti-hero just trying to get by, and a dual love interest/platonic 2 gal situation.

Mostly Excellent!

(4,5 Sterne)

I want to speak about the swearing as several others have made strong comments that it is bad and frequent, it is not, it is there but it's infrequent, in my opinion the book doesn't need it but... who am I to say. Great book but I found it difficult to identify and lock onto any of the characters perhaps just me but I really needed a cheat sheet as to who everyone was.

From the beginning of the first chapter....

(5 Sterne)

I had a sneaking suspension that Phil Rossi sure sounds like thorndaddy. you just can't hide a sexy lvoice ike that. I love your newes ook, it's great from beginning to end. Iff it's not to much trouble can I yours and and your wife's autograph. from previous work you did together that changed my life. 138sailkendrive Penticton BC V 2a 8V5 .ntyank

(0 Sterne)

This should be called "Clumsy" instead of "Harvey"...I lost count of how many times people were tripping an falling, falling through holes, or being knocked over in this book. People spend very little time on their feet, lol. Also, am I the only one that caught that fact that Kate ...