Musings of a Chinese Mystic: Selections from the Philosophy of Chuang Tzu
Gelesen von Scotty Smith
Lionel Giles

If Lao Tzu then had revolted against the growing artificiality of life in his day, a return to nature must have seemed doubly imperative to his disciple Chuang Tzu, who flourished more than a couple of centuries later, when the bugbear of civilisation had steadily advanced. With chagrin he saw that Lao Tzu's teaching had never obtained any firm hold on the masses, still less on the rulers of China, whereas the star of Confucius was unmistakably in the ascendant. Within his own recollection the propagation of Confucian ethics had received a powerful impetus from Mencius, the second of China's orthodox sages. Now Chuang Tzu was imbued to the core with the principles of pure Taoism, as handed down by Lao Tzu. He might more fitly be dubbed "the Tao-saturated man" than Spinoza "the God-intoxicated." Tao in its various phases pervaded his inmost being and was reflected in all his thought. He was therefore eminently qualified to revive his Master's ringing protest against the materialistic tendencies of the time. - Summary by Lionel Giles (2 hr 27 min)

i wonder what life in the U.S. would be like if this were widely accepted as required study for the maturing mind.
great book great reader

great thinker. reader is excellent, and able to pronounce the occasional Chinese words as well as English
thank you, Scotty Smith, for beautiful reading of a lovely book.


This one so far the finest work. Lionel Giles made a great translation. Since ancient chinese language is hard one must take it not literal but listen to it over and over just like what the author suggested and the meanings of this great master will unlock before you.
Byron Lee Scott

Truly a great work from such ancient times. My respect for Chinese literature and the country in general has drastically changed from the limited perspective and prejudice of things I heard throughout my life. I will listen to it again. Great reading. Thank you.
Professional reading

Though I can't give a proper review of the material having just started, I have to speak to the professional quality of the narration. I'll be looking for more from him in the future.
VERY apt. if only more people could find the flow within
Philip SH Stott

a development of the toa te ching. all is gone only the Toa remains

Awareness within pages Repeat this over and over again I love it How can you not