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Bob and Ray WOR 786 March 11, 1976

Thursday, March 11, 1976 In La Scala opera house, testing their voices 0:00 Roger Skibenes introduces the boys, who give a rundown of the show coming up. 0:50 Victims of misfortune who are visiting New York, including a man whose daughter has dug her way to China, a woman who is trying to reach the Amazon jungle, and a man hoping to increase his personal value on the New York Stock Exchange. 5:40 A commercial for Barney's International House (of fashion, not pancakes). 6:40 On Mary Backstayge, Noble Wife, the gang finally reaches La Scala Opera House in Milan, and learns that Greg has reached a deal, but their voices won't reach the second balcony. 10:35 A commercial for Lufthansa German Airlines, with an odd choice of spokesman. 11:35 Bob And Ray Was There visits the year 3184BC, where Akbar The Camel Merchant invents the egg timer. 15:25 A commercial for reasonably priced Pontiac cars. 16:25 Webley Webster and Wally Ballew endure some insults from fellow WORian Peter Roberts. 17:20 Bob reads a commercial for Book Digest, a magazine about books. 18:25 On the soap opera Search For Togetherness, young Dr. Hunnicutt studies Mr. Kinkaid's x-rays, and breaks the news that Kinkaid has an extra bone and an outstanding account. This 'Dr. Hunnicutt' seems to bear no relation to the one played by Mike Farrell on the television show M*A*S*H, who was introduced on September 12, 1975, just six months before this Bob & Ray episode. 22:55 Biff Burns interviews Gerald V. Huber, who is promoting the 1976 Construction Worker's Olympics in Montreal, preceding the official games. 27:50 A commercial for Astoria Federal Savings (now Astoria Bank) of Long Island. 28:50 The bucolic tale of The Pittmans, brought to you by Kretchford Braid & Tassel, featuring bucolic poverty and state mottos. Annotated by Harry Wilson Next Episode:

This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.



