Via Berlin
Gelesen von Lee Smalley
Crittenden Marriott

From the Preface: “The veil of diplomacy screens many secrets—most of them for many years. But the veil is not impenetrable; from time to time a corner lifts, disclosing a fact long-suspected but never quite comprehended, a fact that fits into a history hitherto incomplete. So of this tale!” Relations between Germany and Japan vs. the United States are strained, and war is possible. A smoldering romance and tense international intrigue involve even the highest level of the U. S. government in this absorbing novel. (5 hr 32 min)

Well read. It was an enjoyable book!

Fun spy romp. More interesting women than you might expect.

A pot boiler of a book. I found it entertaining. It isn't going to change my life, although it is interesting fron an historical perspective, to see what geopolitical events folks in the USA were concerned about at that time. The reading was very good, although I'm pretty sure, having known people of the name Topham, that it is pronounced 'Toppam', not Toffam. Or perhaps following US pronunciation of place names like Birmingham, it might be pronounced, 'Top-ham'. It's a small thing, but the name of the principal character being mis-pronounced like that endlessly did grate on the netves a bit, although not enough to spoil the story. Who knows, maybe I'm wrong. I just know that the people I knew called Topham didn't pronounce their name, 'Toffam'.