Commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism
Gelesen von InTheDesert
Zacharias Ursinus

These lectures present a complete exposition of all the leading doctrines of the Christian religion in a most concise and simple form, adapted not only to those who are accustomed to read and think, but also to a very great extent to the common reader. Nor is this done in an outward, mechanical manner, but it introduces us at once into the inmost sanctuary of religion, which all are made to feel is not mere form or notion, or doctrine, but life and power, springing from Christ, "the Way, the Truth and the Life." - Summary by Translator's Preface
Proof-listening done by Debreads and mleigh (36 hr 37 min)
Of God the Son, and the Names which are Applied to him. Concerning the Name Jes…
Read by InTheDesert