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Rise of the Macedonian Empire

Gelesen von Pamela Nagami

(5 Sterne; 2 Bewertungen)

Through diplomacy and conquest the Kingdom of Macedonia under Philip II (382-336 BC) came to dominate ancient Greece. To the classical Greek phalanx, Philip added ranks of soldiers wielding a 6-meter spear called the sarissa, creating an infantry invincible until the advent of the Roman legions. Following his father's assassination, Alexander the Great (356-323 BC) succeeded to the throne and spent the rest of his short life establishing an empire stretching from Greece to northwestern India. The Hellenistic culture disseminated by Alexander long outlived his empire, developing through the Roman world into modern western civilization. (Summary by Pamela Nagami, M.D.) (7 hr 37 min)


Ch. 1: Geography and Inhabitants of Macedon


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 2: Kings of Macedon to the Death of Amyntas II, Father of Philip (700-369)


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 3: Macedon and Hellas at Philip's Accession


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 4: From the Accession of Philip to his Intervention in the Sacred War


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 5: From Philip's Intervention in Thessaly to the Fall of Olynthos


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 6: The Peace of Philokrates. Falsa Legatio. Thermopylai in Philip's Hands


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 7: From the Peace of Philokrates to the Battle of Chaironeia (346-338)


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 8: From the Battle of Chaironeia to the Beginning of Alexander's Asiatic Ca…


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 8: From the Battle of Chaironeia to the Beginning of Alexander's Asiatic Ca…


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 9: Alexander in Asia Minor


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 10: From the Siege of Halikarnassos to the Battle of Issos, Pt. 1


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 10: From the Siege of Halicarnassus to the Battle of Issos, Pt. 2


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 11: From the Battle of Issos to the Battle of Gaugamela, Pt. 1


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 11: From the Battle of Issos to the Battle of Gaugamela, Pt. 2


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 12: From the Battle of Gaugamela to the Sack of Persepolis, Pt. 1


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 12: From the Battle of Gaugamela to the Sack of Persepolis, Pt. 2


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 13: The Death of Darius--Reductiion of Parthia--Execution of Philotas and P…


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 13: The Death of Darius--Reductiion of Parthia--Execution of Philotas and P…


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 14: The Campaigns in Baktria and Sogdiana, Pt. 1


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 14: The Campaigns in Baktria and Sogdiana, Pt. 2


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 15: From the Oxus to the Hyphasis, Pt. 1


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 15: From the Oxus to the Hyphasis, Pt. 2


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 16: The Return from Hyphasis to Susa, Pt. 1


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 16: The Return from Hyphasis to Susa, Pt. 2


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 17: Closing Scenes, Pt. 1


Read by Pamela Nagami

Ch. 17: Closing Scenes, Pt. 2


Read by Pamela Nagami