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The Fairyland of Science

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(5 Sterne; 4 Bewertungen)

"I have promised to introduce you today to the fairy-land of science, -- a somewhat bold promise, seeing that most of you probably look upon science as a bundle of dry facts, while fairy-land is all that is beautiful, and full of poetry and imagination. But I thoroughly believe myself, and hope to prove to you, that science is full of beautiful pictures, of real poetry, and of wonder-working fairies; ..."(From the Introduction to The Fairyland of Science) (6 hr 55 min)


Lecture 01 - Introduction to the Wonders of the Physical World


Read by Patricia Oakley

Lecture 02 - Sunbeams and the Work They Do


Read by Patricia Oakley

Lecture 03 - The Aerial Ocean in Which We Live


Read by Patricia Oakley

Lecture 04 - A Drop of Water on its Travels


Read by Patricia Oakley

Lecture 05 - The Two Great Sculptors - Water and Ice


Read by J. M. Smallheer

Lecture 06 - The Voices of Nature and How We Hear Them


Read by Ashwin Jain

Lecutre 07 - The Life of a Primrose


Read by Ruth Golding

Lecture 08 - The History of a Piece of Coal


Read by Ruth Golding

Lecutre 09 - Bees in the Hive


Read by Ruth Golding

Lecture 10 - Bees and Flowers


Read by Auntie Em