A Tale of Two Cities
Gelesen von LibriVox Volunteers
Charles Dickens

A Tale of Two Cities (1859) is a historical novel by Charles Dickens; it is moreover a moral novel strongly concerned with themes of guilt, shame, redemption and patriotism.
The plot centers on the years leading up to French Revolution and culminates in the Jacobin Reign of Terror. It tells the story of two men, Charles Darnay and Sydney Carton, who look very alike but are entirely different in character.(Summary from Wikipedia) (14 hr 59 min)
Great novel, mixed reading
Harry Haller

The story is every bit as good as I had always heard. Most of the readers are good, and none terrible. One thing I fail to understand, though, is how some readers consistently mispronounce words. I understand that they are volunteers, and not everyone could do as well as even the mediocre readers, but I wish every one who records a book or chapter would read each section through at least once before recording and look up the correct pronunciation for any words that aren't familiar. Still, to those reviewers who complained about there being so many different readers, yes, it's distracting and sometimes disappointing--but where do you expect Librivox to find enough people who will volunteer to read 800 pages out loud, let alone do it like a practiced professional?
Superb Classic

The book is wonderful as we’ve all come to expect the pen of Charles Dickens to produce. The reading was good. Only one or two chapters were read with some static interference and it was difficult to understand. 95% was read clearly and brilliantly, giving life and character to each word.
June Waters

male readers sound much better than the female for this particular story but grateful anyway. They ARE VOLUNTEERS. I thank them ALL. MUCH APPRECIATED

A few of the readers were very poor: mispronounced words, overly emotional. I do prefer single reader texts.
Great book
Joanne Montgomery

slightly confusing having different accents for different chapters.

This 8s 5e first time I have “read” this book...and upon learning the Charles Dickens was paid by the word...I understand d now why he repeated so many phrases and sentences. But being able to catch the essence of what .lives was like for those embroiled in the unrest of the French Revolution brings a whole new respect for the authors that recorded it. It is a very long read, and hard to follow at times, but well worth it in the end. Thank you to all the readers that enable others to hear these stories. May you continue to offer such a wonderful service
Fascinating glimpse of the French Revolution

I found the story quite gripping in places, though in others far too long winded for this era. Wonderful descriptive passages gave a feel of 'being there'. As a book I would have become bored, but in audio I was rewarded for my patience. Most of the Readers were very good, bar one too fast, one too over emphasized and one too breathy - for my taste. That said, 'I take my hat off' to them all for giving their time freely.
this is what passes for a classic?

this book is super boring. also unless you're not going to understand the story just by listening to the audiobook, you'll need to read the cliffnotes to understand the plot. I don't know how this became a classic. as for the readers, they were fine. no complaints there.