Epitome of the Formula of Concord
Gelesen von Jonathan Lange
Jakob Andreae
(4,833 Sterne; 15 Bewertungen)
Formula of Concord (1577) is an authoritative Lutheran statement of faith (called a confession, creed, or "symbol") that, in its two parts (Epitome and Solid Declaration), makes up the final section of the Lutheran Corpus Doctrinae or Body of Doctrine, known as the Book of Concord. The Epitome is a brief and concise presentation of the Formula's twelve articles. (Introduction by Wikipedia) (1 hr 57 min)
(5 Sterne)
Brilliant. Especially the articles on the person of Christ and the Lord's Supper. Lutheran theology is radically different from anything I've encountered in Christian thought. Don't know how I ever got along this far without studying the Book of Concord. Thanks Librivox!