Stories From Wagner
Gelesen von David Wales
J. Walker McSpadden

Eleven stories of eleven operas by Richard Wagner: Das Rheingold. Die Walküre. Siegfried. Götterdämmerung. Parsifal. Lohengrin. Tannhäuser. Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg. Rienzi. Die Fliegende Holländer. Tristan und Isolde. - Summary by david wales (6 hr 40 min)
Part 1 The Ring Of The Curse Story 4 The Downfall Of The Gods (Götterdämmer…
Read by David Wales

A fine work which furnishes useful synopses of these great operas. As for "DR" (Dumb Reader) Cyst (A bloated sac), does anyone know (or care) anything about his pitiful ravings?

man! Siegfried is as big a fool as they say he is! A walking caricature.
such great stories! A lot of fun to listen to, and well read
Ñ hill


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Varner was a raycst.
The Communistic national Socialist Gay Homophobe

Raycyst judge people by their color. However Vagner was ugly so we can discount his works based on his ugliness. IT is entirely justified to judge someone on their appearance, just not on their race.