Literary Criticism

Visions and Revisions

Read by Keri Ford

John Cowper Powys

Powys presents a set of literary devotions of great figures in Literature who have obsessed him. He attempts not so much a reasoned critique…

A Dish of Orts: Chiefly Papers on the Imagination, and on Shakespeare

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

George MacDonald

Readers of George MacDonald are used to his engaging story-telling, winsome characters, and simple theology of trust in God as Father. But t…

The Quintessence of Ibsenism (Version 2)

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

George Bernard Shaw

This is an essay providing an extended analysis of the works of Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen and of Ibsen's critical reception in Engla…

Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 3

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Isaac D'Israeli

This is the third and final volume of Isaac D'Israeli's monumental work Curiosities of Literature. It covers a great range of diverse topics…

The Writing of Fiction

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Edith Wharton

Edith Wharton, a successful author of fiction herself, gives us some in-depth analysis of the writing of short stories and novels. Then she …

Über Matthissons Gedichte

Read by redaer

Friedrich Schiller

Wenn man unter Poesie überhaupt die Kunst versteht, „uns durch einen freien Effekt unserer produktiven Einbildungskraft in bestimmte Em…

The Spirit of the Age; Or, Contemporary Portraits

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

William Hazlitt

William Hazlitt was a keen observer of his time and the people populating the literary landscape. He presents short monographs on such illus…

The Bible in Shakspeare

Read by Joanne Turner

William Burgess

A compendium and analysis of similarities between the Bible and passages in Shakespeare's plays and other works, including Biblical referenc…

Essays on Modern Novelists

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

William Lyon Phelps

A collection of essays on 19th century novelists, both famous ones and those largely forgotten now. Among the writers presented most wrote i…

The Ring and the Book - An Interpretation

Read by Algy Pug

Francis Bickford Hornbrooke

Francis Bickford Hornbrooke was an American Unitarian minister who in later years was recognized as an expert commentator on literature, in …

The Ordeal of Mark Twain (Version 2)

Read by John Greenman

Van Wyck Brooks

The Ordeal of Mark Twain analyzes the literary progression of Samuel L. Clemens and attributes shortcomings to Clemens' mother and wife. The…

Силуэты русских писателей, Выпуск 2

Read by Mark Chulsky

Yuly Aykhenvald

Бесконечно преданный русской литературе, Юлий Айхенвальд видел писателя как уникальную личность и не признавал литературных школ и течений. …

Life and Writings of Addison

Read by Pamela Nagami

Thomas Babington Macaulay

Joseph Addison (1672-1719) was an English essayist, poet, playwright, and Whig politician. Today he is most famous for his contributions, wi…

Modern Russian Literature

Read by Kazbek

D. S. Mirsky

Prince D.S. Mirsky was a prominent Russian literary historian who spent several years in emigration, teaching at the University of London. T…


Read by Pamela Nagami

Thomas Babington Macaulay

John Milton (1608-1674) was an English poet, classicist, and fearless advocate for civil liberty, who served the Commonwealth of England und…

Homage to John Dryden: Three Essays on Poetry of the Seventeenth Century

Read by Kazbek

T. S. Eliot

Best known as a poet and playwright, Nobel Laureate T.S. Eliot also wrote many works of literary criticism. In this volume he gives us thr…

The Supernatural in Modern English Fiction

Read by Ben Tucker

Dorothy Scarborough

Scholar of the macabre Dorothy Scarborough provides us with the first comprehensive overview of supernatural fiction in literary history, a …

Lectures on the Harvard Classics

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Charles William Eliot

The Lecture Series on the contents of The Harvard Classics ought to do much to open that collection of literary materials to many ambitious …

Supernatural Horror in Literature

Read by Piotr Nater

H. P. Lovecraft

In this essay Lovecraft traces the history of hair-raising fictional stories with a focus on things that go bump in the night, starting with…

Henry James At Work

Read by David Wales

Theodora Bosanquet

Bosanquet (1880-1961) was secretary or amanuensis to James from 1907 to his death in 1916. She wrote this essay (1924) eight years after hi…

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