Political & Thrillers

The Scarlet Pimpernel (version 3 dramatic reading)

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Baroness Emma Orczy

Baroness Emma ("Emmuska") Orczy (September 23, 1865 – November 12, 1947) was a British novelist, playwright and artist of Hungaria…

The Power-House

Read by Expatriate

John Buchan

The Power-House is a novel by John Buchan, a thriller set in London, England. It was written in 1913, when it was serialised in Blackwood's …

Library of the World's Best Mystery and Detective Stories, Volume 4

Read by LibriVox Volunteers


In the six volumes of the Library of the World's Best Mystery and Detective Stories, Julian Hawthorne presents us thrilling and mysterious s…

The Zeppelin's Passenger

Read by Tom Weiss

E. Phillips Oppenheim

The Zeppelin’s Passenger is a tale of German espionage in England during World War I. Dreymarsh is a fictional “backwater” area in England w…

The Double Traitor

Read by Tom Weiss

E. Phillips Oppenheim

The setting is the years prior to the outbreak of World War I. It is a time when Germany is outwardly preparing for war but Britain continue…

El secreto del ahorcado

Read by Epachuko

Charles Dickens

Cuento largo o novela breve de intriga y suspense escrita por Charles Dickens. El inicio es ya prometedor: No hace al caso referir la manera…

Greenmantle (Version 2)

Read by Tom Weiss

John Buchan

Greenmantle is the second of five Richard Hannay novels by John Buchan, first published in 1916 by Hodder & Stoughton, London. It is one…

Anthem (Version 4)

Read by Greg Giordano

Ayn Rand

Ayn Rand is best known for her classics Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead. One of her earlier works, Anthem, is a dystopian vision of a wo…

The Devil's Paw

Read by Tom Weiss

E. Phillips Oppenheim

A beautiful, intelligent young woman – is she a traitorous spy or a patriot? An aristocratic soldier permanently injured during the war – is…

The Red and the Black, Volume I

Read by LibriVox Volunteers


Stendhal - a German pen-name for a French writer who hated the English. Contemporary to some of the great names of French literature like Ba…

The Moneychangers

Read by Margaret Espaillat

Upton Sinclair

A story of white collar crime and intrigue told from the point of view of Montague, a member of the privileged class of New York. Montague w…

On Secret Service

Read by Roger Melin

William Nelson Taft

Detective-Mystery stories based on real cases solved by government agents. Created initially in 1865, the U.S. Secret Service continued to e…

The Pawns Count

Read by Tom Weiss

E. Phillips Oppenheim

"I am for England and England only," John Lutchester, the Englishman, asserted."I am for Japan and Japan only," Nikasti,…


Read by Richard Kilmer (1942 - 2022)

Laurence M. Janifer

FBI agent Kenneth Malone lives in a world where psionic powers such as telepathy and teleportation exist. He must cope with them as well as …

The Machine

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Upton Sinclair

Upton Sinclair is best known for his novel The Jungle, an expose of the meatpacking industry. He was also a playwright whose works for the s…

The Secret Agent: A Simple Tale (Version 2)

Read by Cori Samuel

Joseph Conrad

The Secret Agent tells the story of Adolf and Winnie Verloc. He is a phony anarchist and agent provocateur of the title, and the plot centre…

The Vanished Messenger

Read by Richard Kilmer (1942 - 2022)

E. Phillips Oppenheim

A conference of European nations is being held in the Hague. England has not been invited to attend. Some think war is about to break out. M…


Read by Tom Weiss

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Havoc occurs when European countries are discussing covert alliances. The story revolves around the creation of a secret alliance between …

Brain Twister

Read by Catharine Eastman

Laurence M. Janifer

"Mark Phillips" is, or are, two writers: Randall Garrett and Laurence M. Janifer. Their joint pen-name, derived from their middle …

Phineas Finn the Irish Member

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Anthony Trollope

Phineas Finn is the sequel to “Can you Forgive Her?” and the second novel in Trollope’s Palliser series. The eponymous hero is a young Irish…

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