This feminist essay argues for both a literal and figural space for women writers within a literary tradition dominated by patriarchy. First…
This work makes no pretentions to literary merit, but, as its title indicates, is simply a narrative descriptive of the progress of the coun…
This is a collection of 43 poems read in English by LibriVox volunteers during December 2024.
This work is based on the material which Alphonsus Rodriguez (a Spanish Jesuit priest) collected from his spiritual exhortations to his bret…
David Copperfield von Charles Dickens ist ein viktorianischer Bildungsroman, der die Lebensgeschichte des Protagonisten David Copperfield er…
LibriVox volunteers bring you 11 recordings of The Christmas Babe by Margaret E. Sangster.This was the Weekly Poetry project for December 22…
Friedrich Wilhelm Weber beschreibt in diesem Epos den Endkampf zwischen den christlichen Franken und heidnischen Sachsen zu Anfang des 9. J…
Nowadays best known for its bombing in WWII, the English city of Coventry was founded in the early Middle Ages. Earl Leofric and his wife La…
D. H. Lawrence's poetry changed stylistically during the First World War when, influenced by Walt Whitman, he began to write free verse. He …
Коллекция "Народные русские сказки" А.Н. Афанасьева впервые представила в печати народную сказочную традицию в своём многообразии …