In der wohl bekanntesten Erzählung von Charles Dickens mit dem Untertitel "Eine Geistergeschichte" dreht sich alles um den ge…
The Psalms, traditionally ascribed to David the King, are regarded in the Christian tradition as the voice of Christ speaking through His an…
Henry Baerlein expands on his articles first published in the Fortnightly Review to explain the historical context and challenges facing Yug…
As we approach Christmas 2024, we invite you to join us in some heart-warming tales and uplifting carols and poems. We wish you compliments …
Enlightening, profitable, edifying, inspiring – a few words to describe this collection of lives and sayings of the Desert Fathers and Mothe…
LibriVox volunteers bring you 16 recordings of Christmas-Tide By Hattie Howard.This was the Fortnightly Poetry project for December 8, 2024.…
LibriVox volunteers bring you 17 recordings of Yule-Tide Fires by Anonymous.This was the Weekly Poetry project for December 15, 2024. ---…
Nellie L. McClung (1873-1951) is a Canadian icon - a feminist, social activist, author, and political leader. When she was a child, she move…
Enid Gambier Dauncey was a travel writer who, with her businessman husband, lived in a provincial city in the Philippines for nine months fr…
Це збірка українських народних казок. Сюди входять шість частин "Народних казок" В.Гнатюка, за назвою першої казки першої частини,…