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Desiderium, by Richard Le Gallienne

In Anthology of Magazine Verse for 1913

Read by Khayla Jones

William Stanley Braithwaite

William Stanley Braithwaite, a talented poet in his own right, was most notable for his anthologies of poetry including these annual collect…

The arrival of ''the King's Maids'' (1620), by Mary Johnston

In The World’s Story Volume XII: The United States

Read by Sonrisa Jones

Eva March Tappan

This is the twelfth volume of the 15-volume series of The World’s Story: a history of the World in story, song and art, edited by Eva March …


In Stories from the Trenches: Funny Tales the Soldiers Tell

Read by Tim Jones

Carleton Britton Case

Carleton B. Case is well known for wit and humor, as the title of the book leads one to believe this book will follow suit. - Summary by Apr…

Ch VI. Workers in Art, Part 4

In Self Help; with Illustrations of Conduct and Perseverance

Read by Sonrisa Jones

Samuel Smiles

Self-Help is the book that gave its name to the whole genre of literature known by that name. It is full of profiles of individuals who, thr…

The Materialist in the Mask

In G.K. Chesterton's Newspaper Columns: The New Witness - 1922

Read by Lindsay Jones

G. K. Chesterton

A collection of the newspaper columns/essays written by G.K. Chesterton for "The New Witness", under the heading "At the Sign…

Princess Golden Hair and Great Black Raven by Howard Pyle

In Love Stories Volume 3

Read by Sonrisa Jones

Howard Pyle

Here are 20 more love stories under an hour each, covering all kinds of experiences involving romantic or other kinds of love resulting in h…

Book V: The Ordeal of Hannah Markham - Chapter Three: How the Devil was Cast Out

In Other People's Lives

Read by Laurens Jones

Rosa Nouchette Carey

A series of stories by Rosa Nouchette Carey who was a popular English novelist, whose works reflected the wholesome values of her time. They…

Voices from the Cross

In The Fisherman and his Friends: A Series of Revival Sermons

Read by Jonathan Jones

Louis Albert Banks

The sermons in this collection were preached in Hanson Place Methodist Episcopal Church during the month of January, 1896. Afterwards, they …

Maxims 41-50

In The Art of Worldly Wisdom

Read by Sonrisa Jones

Baltasar Gracián

300 short maxims by Spanish Jesuit Baltasar Gracian (1601-1658). The advice is still useful and insightful for our modern world. Gracian was…

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