Search Results

10 - In Disguise

In The Tiger of Mysore

Read by Mike Harris

G.A.Henty and G. A. Henty

During the Indian war with Tippoo Saib, 15 year old Dick Holland and his mother set out from England to find and rescue his father, shipwrec…

How the Beggars Came To Town

In Mother Goose in Prose

Read by Charlene Harris

L. Frank Baum

Whether Mother Goose was a real person or a myth, the songs that are attributed to her name are what we remember from our childhood. Some of…

The Second Voice

In Short Science Fiction Collection 039

Read by Hannah Harris

Mann Rubin

Science Fiction is speculative literature that generally explores the consequences of ideas which are roughly consistent with nature and sci…

00 - Preface

In In Freedom's Cause

Read by Mike Harris

G. A. Henty

Another stirring tale from the master of historical fiction set in the time of Robert Bruce and William Wallace and their struggle for Scotl…

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