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09 - Maui

In Maoriland Fairy Tales

Read by Marea Brook

Edith Howes

Most of the tales have some basis in history. It is an oral language so all histories have to be remembered and retold. To help with this me…

03 - Rose-Marie and the Poupican

In The Fairies and the Christmas Child

Read by Marea Brook

Lilian Gask

The worst of being a Christmas Child is that you don’t get birthday presents, but only Christmas ones. Old Naylor, who was Father’s coachman…

18 - Drittes Buch - 1864, Teil 4

In Die Waffen nieder!

Read by Madeleine Brook

Bertha von Suttner and Bertha Von Suttner

Der Roman „Die Waffen nieder!“ ist das bekannteste Werk der österreichischen Autorin und Friedensaktivistin Bertha von Suttner. Das Buc…

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