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VII - The Sun Shines Upon a King and a Girl Reads of the Fall of Babylon

In City of Endless Night

Read by Kate Follis

Milo Hastings

An example of early dystopian science fiction written shortly after World War I, "City of Endless Night" imagines a future with a …


In Pantropheon

Read by Kate Follis

Alexis Soyer

Soyer was a 'celebrity chef', devising innovations such as water-cooled refrigerators and adjustable temperature ovens. He developed many po…

La Fuite de la Lune - Read by KV

In La Fuite de la Lune

Read by Kate Vaws

Oscar Wilde

While at Trinity Collage, Wilde obtained a reputation for clever repartee and keen wit. He affected a superior air in his manners which irri…

The Lane that had no Turning, part 1

In The Lane that had no Turning, and Other Tales concerning the People of Pontiac

Read by Kate Follis

Gilbert Parker

This is a collection of short stories by Gilbert Parker. Parker was a Canadian writer who wrote a number of bestsellers that had a lasting i…

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