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Chapter 10

In Ivan the Fool

Read by Dorlene Kaplan

Leo Tolstoy

Written after Tolstoy suffered a spiritual crisis, Ivan the Fool is a fairy tale that offers children instruction in how to live rightly, si…

Chapter 02

In The Coxon Fund

Read by Dorlene Kaplan

Henry James

This novella explores the relationship between Frank Saltram, a charismatic speaker who is also a freeloader; Ruth Anvoy, a young American w…

Chapter 2

In Tim

Read by Dorlene Kaplan

Howard Sturgis and Howard Overing Sturgis

The first of only three novels by English author Howard Overing Sturgis, the son of wealthy American expatriates and a close friend of Henry…

Chapter 1

In The Altar of the Dead

Read by Dorlene Kaplan

Henry James

A fable of literally life and death significance, the story explores how the protagonist tries to keep the remembrance of his dead friends, …

13 - Escaped

In The Midnight Queen

Read by Dorlene Kaplan

May Agnes Fleming

May Agnes Fleming is renowned as Canada's first best-selling novelist. She wrote 42 novels, many of which have only been published posthumou…

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