This is our 36th collection of short pieces, poetry or prose, fiction and non-fiction, in several different languages (except standard Engli…
Robert Southey was born in Bristol in England in 1774 and appointed Poet Laurete in 1813, a post he grew to dislike. He was an Oxford contem…
There is, so far as I have been able to ascertain, no biography of Augustus Caesar - a most curious fact when one considers the extraordinar…
John Buchan was a Scottish writer, poet and diplomat who became Governer General of Canada. Best known for his novels (The Thirty-Nine Steps…
This 1911 anthology is a collection of musings on the pleasures, challenges, and experience of walking. It features some famous authors (Tho…
After the storming and the sack of Rome by the Goths under their king, Alaric, the worshippers of false gods or heathen, as we call them, tr…
An epic poem, the eponymous pilgrim's journey to the Holy Land. - Summary by Matthew Muñoz