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Chapter 1

In The Village in the Jungle

Read by Danielle Cartwright

Leonard Woolf

Woolf wrote this novel based on his experience as a government agent for British imperialist-controlled Ceylon in the early part of the twen…

A Dream

In Yesterdays

Read by Nancy

Ella Wheeler Wilcox

This is a volume of early poetry by Ella Wheeler Wilcox. As much of Ella Wheeler Wilcox's poetry, this volume also conveys a number of diffe…

Behind Marx's "hidden abode": toward an expanded conception of capitalism

In Oxford Human Rights Hub Seminars

Read by Nancy Fraser


University of Oxford Podcasts

The Untold War

In Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict

Read by Nancy Sherman


University of Oxford Podcasts

Factfinding Without Facts: The Uncertain Evidentiary Foundations of Internationa…

In Oxford Transitional Justice Research Seminars

Read by Nancy Combs


University of Oxford Podcasts

The Stupidity of Men

In The Camp Fire Girls in After Years

Read by Nancy Gorgen

Margaret Vandercook

The sixth volume of the Camp Fire Girls Series will be known as “The Camp Fire Girls in After Years.” In this story the girls will appear as…


In Catherine's Coquetries: A Tale of French Country Life

Read by Nancy Gorgen

Camille Debans

Catherine is a beautiful woman, and despite being a respectable married woman, enjoys matchmaking, flirting and mischief. The tale is set in…

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