A history of Japan from its origins to the early 20th century. - Summary by Kazbek
A Dream of John Ball recounts a dream of being transported back in time to 1381 during the Peasants' Revolt as John Ball and an army of peas…
The Lotus Sutra is venerated by the Tiantai (天台), Huayan (華嚴), Pure Land (淨土宗), Chan (禪), Cheontae (천태종), Seon (선), Jogye (대한불교조계종), Taego (…
Botany, The Story of Plant Life, is a charming book explaining plant life. The author chose the format of a chapter for each month to discus…
Oedipus is a Latin verse tragedy written by the Roman playwright Seneca the Younger. It is based on the Greek legend of Oedipus and his marr…
A comedy - although with human trafficking. Also a tempest, a shipwreck or two (described by the actors but invisible to the audience - and…
Der Kaiser von Utopia möchte ein Jahr Urlaub machen; von seinen Verpflichtungen als Kaiser und als oberster Vorsteher der Kirche. Zu se…