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The Tear Thief

Read by Alain Bezancon

Alain Bezancon

In a world where emotions are disappearing, selling the tears containing these emotions has become a thriving industry. Alongside this enter…

Call Me

Read by Alain Bezancon

Alain Bezancon

Milos is one of the most well known Vibration Jockey (VJ) of the Feelers underground scene. The Feelers are adepts of extreme sensations, wh…

Active and passive immunity to Influenza

In McMichael Symposium

Read by Alain Townsend


University of Oxford Podcasts

What Maths Really Does: From modelling the brain to modelling the climate

In The Secrets of Mathematics

Read by Alain Goriely


University of Oxford Podcasts

What Maths Really Does: From modelling the brain to modelling the climate

In Alumni Weekend

Read by Alain Goriely


University of Oxford Podcasts

Active and passive immunity to Influenza

In Translational Medicine

Read by Alain Townsend


University of Oxford Podcasts

Give us a hand

In Oxford Sparks: adventures in science

Read by Jo Dunkley, Alain Goriely and Robert Llewellyn


University of Oxford Podcasts

New Questions in Regulation: Regulatory Capture Revisited

In Foundation for Law, Justice and Society

Read by Max Watson, Chris Decker, Robert Baldwin, Karen Yeung, Frank Vibert, Bettina Lange, Kira Matus, Alain Jeunemaitre and Thomas O'Riordan


University of Oxford Podcasts