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Stories from Le Morte D'Arthur and the Mabinogion

Read by AnaNaumoska

Beatrice E. Clay

"Among the stories of world-wide renown, not the least stirring are those that have gathered about the names of national heroes. The &A…

The Woman Movement

Read by AnaNaumoska

Ellen Key

Ellen Key's 'The Woman movement' follows the development of the feminist movement striving towards a greater emancipation of women in the pu…

За македонцките работи

Read by AnaNaumoska

Krste Petkov Misirkov

„За Македонцките работи“ е најзначајното дело напишано од еден од најголемите македонисти и национални дејци - Крсте Петков Мисирков, а печа…

Macedonian - Т'га за југ [Tga za jug]

In Multilingual Short Works Collection 025 - Poetry & Prose

Read by AnaNaumoska

Konstantin Miladinov

This is our 25th collection of short pieces, poetry or prose, fiction and non-fiction, in several different languages (except standard Engli…

Book 6, Chapter 9 to 22

In On Benefits (De Beneficiis)

Read by AnaNaumoska

Lucius Annaeus Seneca

De Beneficiis (English: On Benefits) is one of the moral essays composed by Seneca, Roman author of the 1st century CE. It deals with Stoic …

Paul on Women

In Flowers of Freethought (First Series)

Read by AnaNaumoska

George William Foote

A collection of 51 short essays by George William Foote, who in May 1881 founded the magazine "The Freethinker", which is still pu…

Chapter 5

In The Man On The Other Side

Read by AnaNaumoska

Ada Barnett

Ruth never expected to have a house of her own. Raised in an orphanage, she is forced to work for her living. She chooses to work in a book …